Ch. 1 Just a rainy day...

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Day 7, in the library exhausted from running. So, my friends and I have survived seven days without losing anyone. My name is Liana, and this is very stressful, but you don't know what happened seven days ago. It all started on a stormy morning during high school in Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, in Algebra 2 class.....

     "This is so stupid. I don't get anything!" Cassandra screamed at the teacher. What a great start to this stormy day! KNOCK KNOCK!! It sounded like someone was throwing a textbook at the door to get the class attention. The teacher jumped into action and barricaded the door, and he thought we were crazy!

"What's going on? Why are you locking us into our class?" I exclaimed. I hope he isn't going to do anything serious to us.  "There is a dead person at the door!" the teacher yelled.

"Yeah. Like a zombie is right outside to kill us right now!" Michael said. We all started laughing so hard; Sam and his group almost fell to the ground. In fact, Charlie did, and was laughing his heart out.

    BANG BANG!!! Almost all the girls screamed in fright. Some of my friends and I only jumped in fear. For the sound was very similar to a shotgun going off. Once the gunshots were gone, the teacher took all the desks to un barricade the door, for we saw a little 7 year-old girl zombie laying on the ground with her teddy bear right next to her. She look like she was from the 1800's. Ha, so much for having a great day today. Not happening. If it was trying to target one of us. Soon the announcements came on.

"Students, please remain in the school zone area at all times. I repeat, remain in the school at all time until the zombie apocalypse is over. Thank you." Uh-oh. I stare at all the girls, with so much fear in their eyes and not knowing what to do next in life. While most of the boys are happy with joy as if they were going into their favorite video game and that they were part of it.

"Hey guys. Happy to see you are still humans." the assistant principal said coming in with a huge box with sounded like metal. She dropped the box, which was filled with so many safety hazards the the school would expel you for even seeing or touching it. (A/N: At our school, this could actually happen. Our school is very strict about these sorts of things)

"I will hand you a weapon that you will only to use the defend yourself from all the zombies outside the school." I was handed a knife and a sword. Yes!! I'm finally using a sword! All the girls were handed guns/pistols/rifles. For the boys were only given knives, baseball bats, and other regular things you could find around your house to use as a weapon.

" Why do the girls get better weapons than us??? So unfair!" Terrence yelled.

"It's because girls, no offense, aren't strong enough to hurt a zombies with a baseball bat or other things. It wouldn't do enough damage to the zombies." the assistant principal said calmly like it was a normal day where everything was normal. WHEN IT WASN'T!!

   "Will we get more weapons if we lose/ destroy ours?" Harold said very confused.

"Of course!!" the assistant principal said happily. I think she is a little crazy in the head. Surprisingly enough, my friends were think the exact same thing as me.

"So now, as we are speaking speaking staff is coming up with a way to stop/end the zombie apocalypse!" Said the assistant principal. "By the way, my name is Gina." This is sooo lovely. So Sam and his friends (but mostly Sam) invited my friends and I to accompany him and his friends. Of course my sister for life, Rachel, was giving me the face. She has always known I've had a crush on Sam. Shut up, I thought and she understood!!!!! Plus all my other friends were laughing. I guess we all can communicate telepathically.

A/n: The name if this school shall stay a secret 😏

It would be much appreciated if you took a quick look at my other story "Unknown Life". I might think about publishing it!!!

I apologize for all of you reading such a crappy book. Feel free to stop reading and read my other books or just stop altogether.

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