Chapter Five: Bonding

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Carissa's POV

Why was I running? I didn't want to run! But what was that feeling?! Why was I running back to him?? I felt so overstimulated, so I ran away. Now I was running back to the cave but now I was completely lost... I was officially scared. In one of my classes I learned that it usually got dark out a lot earlier in The Dark Forest then it did in The Enchanted Forest. I heard growls, snarls, whimpers, and screams. I ran and ran with my eyes closed shut. When I opened them, I had to stop myself from running off a cliff. I turned around, ran until I tripped on a tree branch, and scraped my knees and elbows. "Shit..."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, but I had no service past the border. I put my phone away and noticed there were creatures here I had never seen before till now. I hadn't even learned about them. I stood up and calmed myself down. I heard a loud roar and fumbled down when something landed behind me.

It was a dragon.

Why was he following me? What did he want? I was kind of glad he came for me, plus I was headed back that way. I turned around and my eyes widened when I noticed it was a completely different dragon. I didn't get the same vibes this time. I didn't feel as safe, but I still wasn't scared of the dragon.

"Um hey..." I waved because I wanted to show her that I wasn't scared of her. I was directly in front of her large head. "Do you know the way out or...?"

She snarled loudly. "The way out? I can show you the way out." For some reason I didn't think she meant the way out the forest...

"Uh never mind, I'm okay." I turned around. The dragon tried to attack me, but when I turned back around it was the Dragon from earlier... he saved me.

They were tearing into each other's necks, they roared, and fire shout out each of their mouths but since dragons are fire resistant it wasn't harming them much. I didn't run. "Run!" The male dragon says to me, but I was locked in place. I wanted to make sure the dragon who saved me was safe.

"I refuse to leave you," I said with a strong voice. I needed to use my magic to help him. Elves are closely connected to nature, so I looked down at a puddle. I used the water to make throwing knives and start throwing the water knives at the female dragon. The Water blades were laced with poison from a nearby plant. The blades cut through the outer layers of the dragon and cause a lot of pain to her, and she fell to the ground.

Scorch's POV

I backed away from the female dragon who was actually a friend, so I was screwed. It took me a second to realize who she was since I wasn't used to seeing her in her dragon form. She's gonna let the whole dragon kingdom know that I was protecting an elf. But at this point I just wanted my mate safe, so I didn't give a shit about anything else.

I look at my mate as she walked close to the female dragon. She was crazy. All I could think to myself was how crazy she was in this moment. My friend would probably try to swallow her whole, then throw her up because live meat was disgusting. To my surprise the elf got on her knees. "You are such a beauty." She says which shocked both me and my friend. She pressed her head to my friend's giant head.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to take my wings as a prize? My body is paralyzed." My friend was as confused as I was, but my mate let out an adorable giggle.

"Now why would I do that?" She was clueless. I knew now that my mate didn't know what her species was capable of or what they had done. She was completely innocent compared to the rest.

She pulled out the water blades and healed the wounds. "Okay so truce?" She smiled which made me die inside, it made me want her more. "I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me."

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