You have my word

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Standing in the wings, watching Lindsey perform, Stevie was feeling so proud for some reason. In such a short time she had developed feelings towards him, she knew that, although, she wasn't quite sure what they were yet. So, being able to see him doing his thing and doing it perfectly, it just made her happy. She had been there, at the side of the stage, for a series of concerts now and she wasn't one bit bored of his set, even if it didn't change at all. She would gladly remain by his side, watching him for the rest of her life.

Although, tonight Lindsey had decided to make a little change.

Using the back of his hand to wipe sweat off his face, he stepped up to the mic once more and began talking to the crowd. "Not that long ago, I met someone. I don't think that anyone has ever made such a huge impact on me as a person and a musician so quickly before. Just last night, I had a hard time falling asleep, so as always, I turned to my loyal companion for as long as I can remember." He showed to his acoustic guitar, that his tech had just brought to him a minute ago. "I didn't play to create something new, but I guess, it kind of happened anyway. I don't have a name for this melody, I have no words for it, but to me it... it came out pretty perfect. You know who you are and this is for you."

Then Lindsey started playing, what in his mind could only be named after Stevie.

She was surprised to say the least, listening to that gorgeous melody. She had been with Joe for quite a long time and he never so much as considered writing anything for her. And here was Lindsey... 

The show finished several more songs later, Lindsey thanking his audience and taking a bow, before leaving and bumping right into Stevie, who, despite her petite frame, was crushing him in her arms. He laughed softly, wrapping his arms around her too, giving her a kiss.

"So, I take it, you liked it?"

"Oh my God, Linds... That was so beautiful." Stevie gushed,placing her hands on his chest, looking up at him. "You have no idea what it means to me." 

"Well, you have no idea what you mean to me." Her eyes filled with tears, as he pressed her against himself closer again, then added. "By the way, it's called Stephanie."

Her lips parted, as she backed off, wanting to say something, but she found no words. "I'm... I'm speechless."

"Come." Lindsey said, taking Stevie by the hand, as he ignored everyone, leading them straight to his dressing room. She thought she knew why he dragged her there and so quickly, as she wrapped herself around him, capturing his lips. While he responded to her hungry kiss, he then gently pushed her away, cradling her face in the palms of his hands. "I kind of wanted to talk to you without any unnecessary eyes." Lindsey explained, laughing a little. 

"Oh..." Stevie frowned slightly, but allowed him to take her to the couch, the two sitting down.

"We have plenty of time for that later, baby." 

Nodding, she asked. "So, what did you want to talk to me about that was so sudden?"

"I, well... I was thinking. You've been by my side for a couple of weeks now and spending so much time with you... I'm... I'm begging to understand that, even thought at first I said, I'm not going to ask you this, but..." Struggling as per usual, Lindsey somehow finished. "I do want you to break up with Joe. Stevie, I want to be with you."

It was hard to fight back a smile, as Stevie asked, just to make sure... "You're saying, you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Lindsey nodded. "Nobody has ever made me lose my mind like you did. Do. Every day I wake up and I look at you, and I feel so lucky. I don't want to share you, I don't want you to have to lie, I don't want us to be a secret. I want everyone to know that we're together, because I'm proud that you're with me."

Now smiling big, Stevie said. "And I want that, too. So much..." Reaching for his hands, she entwined their fingers together. "Joe and I are practically over anyway, we just need to make it official. I don't expect him to throw a fit or anything like that, he'll probably be relieved." 

Lindsey sensed a hint of sadness in her voice. "I understand that you were with him for a long time, I know it won't be that easy to get over him, so I'm completely fine with taking things slow. I hear myself, I realize that the last thing we've been doing is taking things slow, but I mean, once you and I are a couple, that is if you still want me, then I'll be okay with giving you all the time you need."

Stevie could smile again, as she cuddled up by his side, resting her head on his chest. "You're pretty amazing, you know that? Where have you been all my life?"

"Trying to find you." Mindlessly stroking her hair, he replied. 

"There's a condition though."

"Oh? Alright. What is it?"

"You, under no circumstances, are allowed to flirt with the women in the front row."

Laughing, Lindsey agreed. "You have my word."


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