Turns out

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Lindsey breathed out heavily, sitting down on one of the loungers by the pool, opening a beer. Yes, it was definitely nice to be home after such a long tour. The sun was out and the sky was clear, he loved it like that. Once the bottle was empty, he got up and stretched before diving into the pool head first. After swimming for a while, Lindsey got out of the water and dripping wet made his way into the house. 

Climbing up the stairs, Lindsey then walked to the bedroom, but stopped abruptly by the room next to it, hearing quiet... singing? He put up his hand against the door and pushed it open, finding Stevie in there. She seemed to be making mental notes of something, while she was concentrated on one corner or the other. Then it dawned on him - she was planning out the nursery. 

The corners of his mouth curled upwards, as Lindsey embraced Stevie from behind, pressing a kiss on the curve of her neck. "You never told me you sing."

Stevie shrugged her shoulders, placing her hands over Lindsey's. "It never came up."

"Are you thinking of the nursery?" He asked, spinning her in his embrace.

"I was, yes. How did you know?" Smiling, Stevie's arms wrapped around his neck.

"Lucky guess." Lindsey laughed lightly, his palms traveling lower, settling on her hips. "Why don't you come out and spend some time by the pool with me?"

"I'm not a big fan of the sun, you know that."

"I do, but I thought you were a pretty big fan of me?" Lindsey smirked, seeing Stevie's lips part, before she said.

"You can not say that to me!"


"Because." Sighing exasperated, Stevie freed herself from Lindsey's grip. "I'm going to put on my swimsuit." Without waiting for a reply, she left, leaving Lindsey confused.

"What the hell just happened?" He asked no one in particular, then shook himself mentally and followed after Stevie. Entering the bedroom, he couldn't see her, so he reckoned she was in the bathroom. Twisting the door knob, Lindsey fount it locked. "Steph? Are you in there?"

"Well, obviously."

"Then why is the door locked?"

"Because I'm changing."

Chuckling lightly, Lindsey said. "I have seen you naked, you know."

"Right, but I don't want you to see me naked right now."

"Why not?" Lindsey frowned, waiting for her answer, but it didn't come. Instead, the lock clicked and out came Stevie, straight into his arms. Crying. Lindsey gulped, thinking something was wrong, as he embraced and soothed her. "Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me?... Steph, you're making me worry." She mumbled something into his chest, but he didn't quite catch that. "What?"

"I'm going to get fat!" She pulled back and yelled at him. 

Biting the inside of his cheek, Lindsey knew the last thing he should be doing now is laugh. "Aw, baby, but you're carrying our child, you're supposed to gain weight." 

"I'm going to get fat!" She repeated and he sighed, taking her by the hand and leading them to the bed, sitting her down on his lap.

"Honey, it's okay, it's supposed to happen! You will still be just as beautiful in my eyes as ever. I'm not going to love you any less. Sweetheart, you're going to make me a father!" Stroking her hair, Lindsey spoke. "If anything, I'm going to love you so much more!"

Sniffling, Stevie looked up, asking as if she was a small child. "Really?"

"Of course." Smiling, Lindsey nodded, placing his hand on her teeny tiny belly. "If you're gaining weight, it means our baby is growing, getting bigger and stronger. It's what we want, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is." She agreed, wiping away the remnants of her tears.

"See? It's all good, honey. This is the last thing you should be worrying about." Hugging her around the middle, Lindsey pressed a kiss to her hair. "So, if you're not feeling too comfortable, you don't have to wear your swimsuit. I just wanted us to spend time together, but we can absolutely do that, say, right here."

"I'd like that." Nodding again, Stevie added. "I want to lie down."

"Alright. I'm just going to change out of my swimming trunks, I don't want to get the bed wet."

"Yeah, I would appreciate it if you didn't wet the bed." Stevie chuckled and Lindsey was simply glad she seemed to be in a good mood again. He was sure there were many more mood swings to come in the upcoming six months.

Lying down beside her, Lindsey spooned Stevie from behind, circling his arms around her. Half a year ago, Lindsey would have laughed into anyone's face if they said he was about to become a husband and a father. No, he was a famous rockstar! Quiet family life could wait. As it turns out, deep down this was exactly what he wanted.

Lifting his head up from the pillow, Lindsey wanted to make sure Stevie hadn't fallen asleep, he wouldn't want to disturb her. "You have a beautiful voice."

Stevie smiled, as she lay with her eyes closed. "Maybe for singing in the shower."

"Have you tried to be a professional singer?"

"Lindsey, no. I sing whenever I feel like it, to myself. Besides, I doubt anyone would want to hear me do it."

"What about writing?"

"I have a couple of poems." She knew what he was about to say. "But don't even ask me of letting you read them. They're stupid, immature! No, I'm not sharing them."

"Alright, I'm not going to bother you any longer if you sing something for me. Of your own." 

She had way more than just a couple of poems. Going through them in her head, for some reason Stevie chose the one that she had been humming to herself for days now... 

You could be my silver springs
Blue green colors flashin'
I would be your only dream
Your shining autumn, ocean crashing

Suddenly, getting beyond embarrassed, she hid her face in the pillow and couldn't go on with it. She didn't think much of her voice and like she said, she thought her writing was stupid. But Lindsey gently turned her, so they were face to face.

"My God, Steph, that was beautiful!"

"Really? You think so?"

"Of course I do! Those words... I wish you let me in on more of it. I'm telling you, you've got talent, baby. I'm not pushing you, but I'm asking you to think about it. I could help you, you know. We could try and record something, together."

Looking at him for a moment, Stevie then shook her head. "I don't know, Linds. I don't think I'm good enough for that."

"And I'm telling you that you are."  

"I can't tell you anything right now." Shrugging, she was being honest with him.

Nodding, Lindsey could accept that, but he also thought that this could really come out to be something special. Maybe even a small side project...

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