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Stevie had gotten so used to having Lindsey around that when he left she was feeling extremely lonely. All of a sudden, the house seemed too big and scary for her. She wanted to have someone with her, so she asked Lori to come and spend time with her, also help with moving out. Lori, of course, came as soon as she could. 

"So, is this the real thing then?" Lori asked, while they were sorting through Stevie's belongings and putting them into different boxes.

"I feel like it is." Stevie nodded. "I guess, I should thank you. If not for that girls night out, I would have never met Lindsey."

"I'm just glad you found him. You were never like this, when Joe would leave. I can tell you miss Lindsey."

"I do, I miss him so much and I saw him yesterday. Maybe... maybe it's because he told me he's in love with me." With a small smile Stevie looked at Lori, whose mouth was agape.

"Seriously?! And you've waited this long to tell me?" 

"This long? It happened two days ago!" Stevie laughed, taking a seat on the bed. "I don't know how to put it in words, but my God... He's something else. He's so loving and caring. When I broke up with Joe and came back to him, Lindsey had lit up candles and placed a vase of roses in the bedroom. He said, he did that to make me feel better."

Joining Stevie, Lori hugged her around the shoulders. "I'm so happy for you. You seem absolutely smitten."

"I am." Stevie nodded, having nothing to hide. "I can honestly say that I'm so in love with Lindsey."

Stevie then went quiet and Lori having known her for years, could tell something was on her mind she wasn't telling. "Is there a but?"

"Well..." Stevie started rubbing her hands nervously, lifting her eyes up to look at Lori. "I, um..."

"What is it? Come on, you know you can talk to me."

"When Lindsey left, I went to a drugstore." 

"Yeah and?" Not catching on, Lori urged Stevie to continue.

"... to get a pregnancy test."

"OH? And? What did it say?"

"I haven't taken it yet." Stevie shook her head, getting up on her feet, as she was now pacing around the room. "Lindsey and I haven't been together that long, Lori. We basically just became a real couple and while it's all good now, what do you think will happen when I tell him I'm pregnant if I am?" 

"Uh, he'll be overjoyed?" Giving Stevie a look, Lori answered. "If he loves you like he says he does, then this won't be a problem."

"I can't be so sure. Everything is so sudden for us. I don't want to hurt our relationship."

Without much thinking, Lori asked. "But you're sure it's Lindsey's? Could it be Joe's?"

"Of course it's Lindsey's! I haven't had sex with Joe in forever. Besides, we don't even know if I am pregnant!"

"Well, then go to the bathroom and take that damn test!" Lori pointed to the door, then let her arm fall to her side, seeing how this obviously wasn't that easy for Stevie. "You have to find out anyway. First of all, you need to calm down and make sure. Then we can start freaking out."

"The thing is, if I knew I was carrying a baby, I couldn't terminate the pregnancy. That is if Lindsey wouldn't be all that happy like you said he would be. I know I would choose my child over any man, but at the same time it's tearing me apart, because I don't want to give up on Lindsey. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone like him. I do feel like he is the one for me."

Approaching, then taking Stevie's hands in hers, Lori spoke softly. "From what you've told me, I don't think Lindsey is that kind of man. If he loves you, he will love your baby too. I'm sure it would be quite a shock, because yes, you've been together a short time, but you two aren't kids anymore. It is the perfect time for you to start thinking about family, before it's too late."

As if Stevie didn't hear a word... "But what if he doesn't feel the same way?"

Sighing, Lori shrugged her shoulders. "I can't answer for him, honey. Again, firstly, you take a few deep breaths now, ready yourself and do what you know has to be done."

"You're right. You're always right." Stevie nodded, smiling slightly. "So... I'm going to do it."

"You have to. I'm here for you, I'll wait with you and if you need me, I'll look for you."

"You're the best, you know that." Hugging her friend close, Stevie then made her way into the bathroom, taking out the pregnancy test she had bought.

Coming out and into the bedroom, Stevie sat down again, looking at Lori, her heart beating fast. "Now we wait."

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