Nanakan's sword

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Chloe's P.O.V.

I seem to be floating in space and I can barely stay awake. I bump into dad. They must have come here when Pixy made her wish.
"Daddy!" I yell. It doesn't seem like my words are coming out right. It's all slow and weird. "We need to leave!"
I don't know much about this place, but I think it would be best to leave as soon as possible.
Dad wakes up and helps me. Eventually we have everyone else awake. I see an opening that looks like a portal. We have to get there. We kind of swim up towards it. We all get through the portal and back to the room I was in for the tournament. Then I see Nanakan there!
"What are you doing here!?" He asks, glaring at me.
"I- um, well, we-" I stammer. This guy scares me. I don't like to be back with him after going in his sword.
"Well, I wouldn't attack me if I were you." He says. "You see that's how your dear little friends got tied up here" Nanakan lowers a cage and I can see Bailey and Pixy tied up inside it. I hear aunt Nya gasp.
"They snuck out of their rooms at night to make a certain wish." Nanakan explains. "I, being smart enough to expect it, trapped them here. They'll be food for Snuggles the snake soon now."
Bailey and Pixy struggle with their chains.

Sorry for such a short chapter. I'm going to try and make the next one longer and hopefully Bailey can make her wish!

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