The Beginning

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Ok, first I need to tell you who the Ninja married and who their kids are. Some OCs are included, but I will explain them. Please do not get upset over how I did it, these are based off of my ships, and I don't want anyone to be offended or anything.

Ok, so first, Jay and Nya! They got married and had 3 kids. Simon, Maggie, and Bailey.

Cole and Claire (my favorite!). Claire is an OC my friend made! I was so happy when she did because Cole had like, no one to love and I was sad. But, back to Claire. So she's the Purple Ninja and her elemental power is music! She is also Jay's sister! She was looking for Jay, because she knew she had a brother, and she found him as a ninja. She then became a ninja, and she and Cole discovered they both loved cake. They quickly formed a bond. They had three kids. Matthew, Joshua, and Chloe.

Kai and Skyler. They fell in love and got married. Their kids were Kayla and Kyle.

Zane and Pixel. They had robot kids. Don't ask how, they just did. Pixy and Zip.(two random robot names I came up with)

Lloyd and Genna. Genna is the Pink ninja of candy. You can guess why Lloyd loved her right away! They didn't have any kids and decide to just enjoy life with candy and each other.

Most of these characters will not be in the story too much because Chloe and Bailey are the main characters. But most of the adult ninjas will be in the story. I try my best to include all characters, but I'm just starting and I'm not that good at it. So please don't get mad if I leave your favorite character out.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the people that made this possible. My friend BlueAlpaca16 helped me make the story. We went back and forth sometimes doing ruleplay, so some of this is her work. My friend ScorchleDragon also helped. She gave me the inspiration to write this and she also made the cover page. I also probably wouldn't have
wattpad if it wasn't for ScorchleDragon and all my other friends. And the first fanfiction I read really helped me know what a real fanfiction is supposed to be like. It was the Black Hearted Ninja, by brooklynisosm. Thank you to anyone that helped and anyone reading this. Hope you enjoy the story!

"So, what do you guys wanna do today?" Simon asks. Simon, Maggie, and Bailey were sitting around their living room. It was the first day of summer.
"Why don't we play hide and seek?" Bailey asks. Bailey was the youngest Walker sibling.
"Sure, Bailey, I bet I can beat you!" Boasts Maggie. She always seemed to startle and surprise people.
"I'll count first!" Says Simon. Simon starts to count and the other two run off to hide. Not too far into the game Bailey shouts out something.
"Hey! I found something! Come look at this!"
"What is it, Bailey?" Simon asks. Bailey holds up a small teapot.
Suddenly, Maggie comes downstairs from her hiding spot. "Looks like I win again!" She says.
"Look what I found!" Bailey says.
"Hey, didn't Mom and Dad tell us a story about that?" Maggie asks. "Maybe we should just leave it alone." Simon agrees.
"Fine." Bailey acts ok with it, but she is too curious and just has to know what is inside. After all, she is only 6 years old. Simon hides the teapot back under the couch where Bailey found it.

Soon, it is time for bed. Everyone goes to sleep except Bailey. She creeps downstairs to the living room where the teapot is hidden. Bailey tinkers with it for a little while, until her finger brushes against it and Nanakan the Djinn appears!
"Wow!" Bailey says.
"I am the great Nanakan!" Nanakan says. "Since you have freed me, little girl, I will grant three wishes for you. What do you wish for?"
Bailey thought. What did she always want? This was so exciting!
"I wish I was a princess!!!!" Bailey yells.
"Your wish is yours to keep." Nanakan says.
"Bailey! Who are you talking to? Why are you up this late?" Nanakan disappears and Bailey looks up. Mom(Nya) is coming downstairs. Bailey racks her mind to think of a good lie.
"Umm, I think I was sleepwalking, mommy. I was upset and I wanted to be a princess!!!"
"Ok, well you should be in bed. Come on, I'll tuck you in." Nya responds. Bailey follows her mom upstairs. As Nya tucks Bailey into bed she says, "Don't worry, Bailey, you'll always be my little princess."

What was this!? Bailey's wish was wasted! She wanted to be a REAL princess!

* Be careful what you wish for.

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