Healing Bailey

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Bailey's P.O.V.

When I wake up, the first thing I see is people in my face. We are in an open spot with our dragons and a small, wooden shelter one of the adults made, far from the Crack. I should have stayed there. The Crack doesn't even seem funny anymore. It just seems like home to me. At least it would be better than here. We don't have any food and there's no way to get it in this desert-like place.

"What is wrong with you people! Get away from me! You should have left me with Garmadon!" I yell.
"No! Those are bad guys! You belong with us, Bailey!" Chloe says.
She was the one that caused all this trouble.
"You! This is all your fault! You started all this by wishing there were more bad guys!" I glare at the girl who used to be my friend. Chloe hangs her head and stays silent.
"See? You can't even deny it!" I say. There are tears in her eyes now.
"I'm sorry." She whispers, then runs off to her dragon.
"Stop!!!" Sensei Wu is suddenly there, pushing through the crowd of people. "I would like to have a chat with Bailey. Alone. You can all leave now." He says, waving his hands at everyone else. "Bailey, come to my room. I will make tea."
What was this!? What does he want from me?
"Leave me alone, stupid old man!" I yell, giving him a glare much like the one I gave Chloe. Sensei remains calm, and stares right back at me.
"Come, Bailey." He says, and I can tell there is no arguing with the dumb old person. I follow him to his room and he pours tea for me. I hate tea. Mom always makes me drink it when I'm sick, and sensei always drinks too much of it.
"Bailey, what happened at the Crack?" He asks, keeping a totally strait face.
"I don't know! I blacked out when we found Dad!" I say. I don't remember anything after that.
"Tell me what you do know." Sensei Wu says.
"All I know is that Chloe and I went in there to find those dumb excuses for Ninja, I went to save them, Chloe kept the villains distracted and when I did, I blacked out."
"The others say you were bit by a serpentine. Is that true?"
"Maybe." I say, and shrug.
"You know this reminds me of a time when I was a young boy..." Sensei starts. "We must get the anti venom staff." He says. I finally get to leave.

Little did they know, a heart broken little girl was listening by the door, trying to find a way to save her friend.

Chloe's P.O.V.

I climb onto my dragon. I have to find a way to save Bailey! As soon as I heard Sensei Wu say we need the anti venom staff, and dismiss Bailey, I got ready to leave. Everyone had gone back inside the house now. I'm just about to take off, when I hear a small voice say "Where are you going?"
I look down and see Pixy (daughter of Zane and Pixel) standing there, her head cocked to the side in confusion.
"Pixy, what are you doing here? You should be with your parents!" I tell the 3 year old robot.
"Everyone is panicking in there. I came out to get a breather." She says, before turning her attention back to my situation. "What are you doing?"
I can't tell her! She'll tell all the adults, and then I won't be able to save Bailey.
"Well, um, I'm just, um, looking for food" I tell her. She doesn't look convinced.
"My databases tell me that is not true." Pixy says. Darn! She's a robot! She saw right through my lie. "What are you really doing?"
"Fine. I'm going to get the anti venom staff so I can save Bailey." I say.
"Can I come?" I am considering, when suddenly, I remember something. Something that happened before all this.
"We're going to a ninja lesson with sensei!" Matthew said.
"Can I come?" I had asked.
"You? You'll never be a Ninja!" Josh said, the two of them laughing at me.
Now, looking into Pixy's little face, I saw how sad she would feel to be left out of such a mission.
"Of course you can, Pixy! Hop on!" I tell her. I help her onto my dragon and I see the delight in her face. We fly along, back to the Crack. I tell her about how Bailey and I used to make jokes about it together.
"Is that what it feels to have a friend?" Pixy asks in a quiet voice. I was shocked.
"Pixy, we are friends!" I say.
"Really!? I have never had a friend before. I am not sure if my database allows it." She responds, confused.
"Well I allow it, so we are friends." Pixy smiles. We finally reach the Crack.
"Ok. So we should just be able to grab it without being noticed." I explain.
"I can do a scan of the area to locate the staff" Pixy suggests.
"Oh, you can?! That would be great!" I say. After scanning the Crack, Pixy concludes that it is put on display at the far right of it.
"Pixy, stay here and be quiet." I tell her. "I am going to go grab the staff."
I sneak in the shadows until I get to the place where the anti venom staff is displayed. There are no bad guys looking this way so I grab it and make a run for Pixy and my dragon. But before I can reach them, I hear alarms blaring in my ears and all the villains are chasing us.
But it was going so well!!!!
As I'm running, Garmadon grabs my arm. I panic, not knowing what to do, then I yell "Pixy! Catch!" And throw the staff her way. She catches it and is far from the bad guys so she can leave safely. But instead of leaving, she looks back at me. Garmadon is still grabbing my arm, who knows what he'll to me next!
"Go!" I scream. She still seems hesitant, but she knows what she needs to do. She rides my dragon out of the Crack. After she leaves, the bad guys turn back to me. Didn't they see her escape? Why aren't they going after her? I'm thinking all this when Garmadon turns to me with an evil grin. And I feel scared. I didn't realize it all this time that I felt scared about being alone down here with him.
"W-why didn't you go after the staff?" I ask him in a shaky voice.
"Oh it's not the staff I want. It's you! I am going to pick of each Ninja, one by one until they are all gone and none are her to destroy me!" Garmadon explains.
I shudder. He's going to use me as bait for my family! This is awful! I look into his malicious, evil face again. He drags me down a hallway and I am helpless. He pulls me over to a chair that looks electric or something and shoves me in tightening the chain.
"What are you going to do to me?" I ask.
"What are my going to do to you?" Garmadon repeats. "I am going to make you feel every elemental power, just as I have when the Ninja attack me!"
Garmadon smiles evilly and flips a switch.
Fire! I feel the burn of flames on my skin and scream. I know this is what Garmadon planned, but I can't help it. It hurts.
Lightning! I a huge shock and scream again. He is just about to do ice when the door opens.
Tears blur my eyes but I can see Pixy standing in the doorway, with all of the other ninja. Before Garmadon can flip another switch, they are attacking. Bailey and Pixy run over to free me.
"Chloe! I'm so sorry about what I said earlier!" Bailey says. "I didn't mean any of it."
"I know, it was the serpentine." I say. "But we need to get out of here" It even hurts to talk. Pixy cuts the chains with a knife built into her arm then we run for the exit. I fall, but suddenly, Daddy is there and we are all flying out of the Crack on his dragon.

Wow. That was long. I think I'm getting better at this :)

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