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At Cole and Claire's house, Matthew and Joshua wait at the door.
"Where are you guys going?" Chloe asks.
"Ninja lesson with Sensei Wu." Matthew says. "We're going to become ninjas!"
"Can I come!?" Chloe asks.
The boys laugh. "You? No!" Joshua says. "You'll never be a ninja!"
"Oh ya, well one day, I'm going to save the world! You'll see!" This makes her brothers laugh even harder.
"Ya right, a shrimp like you? Not a chance." Matthew says.
"I wish you guys would just shut up!!!" Chloe yells. Suddenly, Nanakan appears.
"Your wish is yours to keep." He says.
"MmmMm!!!" The boys mouths seem to have some kind of duck tape on them. Chloe giggles and then turns to Nanakan.
"Who are you?" She asks.
"I am the great Nanakan, the Djinn!!!" Nanakan says. "You have two more wishes to make."
Hmm,what did Chloe want? If there were more bad guys, she could fight them, and everyone would just HAVE to let her help!
"MMMMm!!!" Chloe's brothers are shaking their heads.
"Shut up, boys! Let the girl have her wish!" Nanakan warns.
"I wish there were more bad guys to fight!!!" Chloe wishes.
"Your wish is yours to keep." Nanakan says. Finally, the boys manage to get the tape off their mouths.
"Chloe, why would you do that!?!" Joshua shouts. "Who knows what he did to your wish!"
Before Chloe can respond, Cole and Claire come running downstairs.
"Matt and Josh, your lesson was cancelled. Sensei Wu called a meeting at the monastery."

When the Brookstone family gets to the monastery, everyone else has already arrived. Chloe takes a seat next to her best friend, Bailey.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"I don't know" Chloe responds.
Sensei Wu walks up to the front of the room. "Misako and I have discovered that all villains we previously fought have been realeased."

GASP!!! Cliff hanger!

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