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she giggled as she typed something else into her phone. joey and sofia looked at each other, exchanging smiles. they both knew who she was texting. her and niall had been texting each other back and forth for three days now and she was surprised to find out that in addition to being sweet and caring, he was also smart, funny, witty and adorable.

niall just sent her a picture of him in his office, pouting with a hamster on his head. elanora laughed loudly causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look at her. she blushed in embarrassment and put her phone away.

"so, are you and niall gonna meet up soon?" joey asked carefully, making sure not to make a comment about harry. it had been coming up to two weeks now since her and harry hadn't talked and joey wanted to be careful in what he said incase she got triggered and go running back to him. cause god knows harry wasn't going to make the first move, he had too much pride.

"he wants to. i don't know though. he is really sweet and funny. like a breath of fresh air. and most importantly, he isn't married," elanora said with a sigh. she was having a really good time talking to niall but her mind count help but travel to harry. she really missed him. but niall was different. he was the perfect guy, so why can't she get harry off her mind? she's sure that he isn't thinking about her.

"m-mr. s-s-styles, um, your w-wife is on the p-phone," louis said with a gulp. harry's mood hadn't changed in the office. the only person he spoke the least bit nicely to was zayn. he was mad at himself and at everyone. he was not sure why he was mad at everyone but it made him feel better to be pissed and grumpy all the time.

harry groaned loudly and grabbed the phone from louis who hurried out of the office and back to his desk. louis took a few deep breaths and his heart rate finally returned back to normal. he wasn't getting paid enough for this.

"what?" harry asked impatiently.

"why are you talking to me like that babe? is this a bad time? are you in a meeting?" erin began talking his ear off.

harry clenched the phone in his hand. everything that erin did seemed to be pissing him off lately. he blocked her out and took a deep breath. elanora wouldn't be blabbering all the time. she would have asked him about his day, what he ate, how he's feeling. harry hung the phone up with erin still talking. he wasn't even sure she had noticed.

perrie strutted into the office in her black louboutins and her bubbly attitude and it pissed harry off. how could one be so fucking happy when his world is falling apart? she put some files on his desk and stood there with her hands on her hips and her head to the side, studying him.

"awww come on, don't be a debbie downer, call her up for christ sakes or plan a grand romantic gesture! girls love that stuff," perrie said, acting like his mother with her 80's catch phrase. harry sighed, he wanted to tell her to buzz off and shut her pie hole, but she was his friend and she was trying to help. also, zayn would kick his ass for telling her off and he wasn't about to get a black eye.

"thanks perrie," harry said softly, hoping she got the message to leave now. thankfully she did. all he was left with now was a file full of paperwork and a heart that was numb.

elanora looked at herself in the mirror, deciding whether this was the right dress or not. she decided to go out with niall for dinner. no, it wasn't a date, it was simply a "friendly dinner" as niall put it. she was grateful that he was being so kind and patient with her. he told her that she was worth the wait which in turn made her heart flutter.

she decided on a short, loose, white dress with a denim jacket over it. he was going to pick her up at 8 sharp. elanora felt nervous. she really liked niall and wanted it to go well. her phone dinged, snapping her out of her tracks.

from: liam 🐶
have fun tonight! make good choices. xx

eleanora laughed. liam sounded just like her mother. when has she ever made a bad choice? oh that's right, harry styles. she sent him a quick reply then put her shoes on. there was a knock on the door making her heart speed up. niall was here.

she rushed to the door and opened it. there he stood, beautiful as ever. his beautiful blue eyes were scanning every inch of her body. she blushed as he complimented her on her outfit. he led her to his car and opened the door for her like a gentlemen. she needed this, this was good for her. niall was good for her.

i'm updating again. i'm sorry that it has been months! 💕

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