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a ginormous scream was heard inside the building making elanora jump. she confusingly exited her office along with some of her fellow co-workers who left their cubicles and was wondering who was in trouble. she exchanged glances with joey before they made their way to the source of the noise which seemed to be coming from inside the "idea room".

through the glass doors, they saw erin holding her hands on her head and looking at the sight before her. elanora and her fellow co-workers stopped in shock before bursting out in a fit of laughter. "b-baby c-c-cupid is very b-big down there," joey exclaimed between fits of laughter as he pointed to the ice sculpture.

elanora smirked deviously. erin looked horrified as the company manager tried to calm her down. she pouted at the realization that sofia wouldn't get to see phase one of their master plan as she was sick today. elanora made her way back to her cubical that day with a satisfying smirk as she awaited what was yet to come.

"someone had the nerve! the audacity! i mean someone had to change the order! i can't believe people these days! it had to be someone within the company! how could the ice sculpture company make a "big" baby cupid when i specifically told them i wanted the eiffel tower!" erin rambled on as Harry just sat there on his bed.

she woke him up at 12:35 midday time on a weekend when he was suppose to be resting after a long week at work. harry's droopy eyes tried not to close as erin carried on about some eiffel tower and a baby cupid. honestly, harry was too busy falling to sleep to pay attention.

"harry! here i am telling you about what is bothering me and you couldn't care one less! you don't care about my day or what i'm up to! all you wanna do is sleep and go to work! you just go to work and sleep! you never spend any time with me!" erin screamed at him.

surprised by the act, harry's eyes widened and he jumped back trying to bite his lip, holding back anything he had to say to his wife. "she is out all the time and gets mad when he wants to spend time with her and now he is turning it all around on him! how dare she!" harry thought.

"baby, i'm sorry, okay? how about i find out who this person is and i deal with them myself. i might throw a few punches too," harry said making Erin giggle. "thanks baby. your the best," she said pulling him in for a deep, long kiss which he happily obliged to.

erin was the first to pull away as her bag started ringing indicated that she was getting a call. she gently pushed harry off of her and picked up her phone, walking out of the room talking to one of her friends leaving a slightly annoyed and sad harry.

harry reached across the bed and got his phone from the nightstand. "hello? can you do something for me?" he asked as he dialed the familiar numbers of syco records private investigator. the man answered back with a "sure". harry told him that it was a personal matter and explained the situation in which the man said he would find out who changed the order.

harry continued his saturday normally, he texted elanora and finished off some work and headed for the television. erin wasn't home, no surprise there. she was always out whenever she got the chance to go out with her group of girls. Harry clicked the channels on the television awaiting erin's return and his private investigators call.

she huffed in annoyance as she read over the letter that her boss sent her and every other person in the building. her boss stated that it was rude to mess with people's head and it was unacceptable because erin styles is willing to pay herself for this charity benefit and someone within this organization is undermining her.

elanora rolled her eyes and ripped the paper up, throwing it in the bin. she didn't regret what she did and she would do it again to see the look on erin's face all over again.

elanora's phone beeped snapping her out of her thoughts. she smiled as she saw who the text message was from.

to: elanora x
from: harry ;*
good morning beautiful, well good afternoon i mean. just got up and was thinking of your lovely face. x

elanora blushed, harry will be the death of her. he was so sweet and loving and she was hooked. the day continued with her and harry exchanging cute text messages before told him to stop texting her as she had to get started on a large pile of files in front of her.

she watched erin walk by the office swaying her non-existent ass in the process. she wore a tight fitted light baby blue sleeveless a-line pastel dress with pearls (no surprise there). elanora rolled her eyes and snickered at erin's wide clothing range. just then, joey entered the office and sat

"are you sure?" harry asked, double checking with his private investigator. he couldn't believe that elanora was the one who was messing with erin's head. he was furious with her. was this a way to get back at him?

he didn't know why elanora had to take her anger out on erin who did nothing wrong to her. harry was so mad. he checked the time to see that it was minutes after four and elanora would be home. he wanted to confront her about this. an angry erin meant a tired, annoyed harry and he wasn't in the mood for drama.

grabbing his coat, he left his house and entered his black range rover, making his way to the familiar twenty-five minute route. he drove up to elanora's house and saw her bmw parked in the driveway. he shut the door of his range rover and made his way to her front door.

ringing the doorbell he waited patiently, checking his phone to see if erin called or if zayn had texted him. the clicking of the door broke his attention from his phone. elanora wore a white silk robe and matching white bedroom slippers. she effortlessly looked beautiful and he was trying hard not to be mad at her.

"harry?" she asked, "what are you doing here?" she continued confused as she made way for him to come inside. "i needed to talk to you," harry said being formal. elanora frowned at his tone, "is something wrong?" she inquired. "is something wrong? yes something is wrong! i can't believe what you did to erin today! she came home in a bad mood nagging me because of what you did!" harry exclaimed, his hands in the air as he walked into her living room.

elanora gave him his space to let him rant for a while before she got sick of him talking about his wife and how she was mad at the world today. eventually she walked into her room leaving a fuming harry in the living room.

harry, upon realizing that elanora was not in the living room, went into the bedroom to tell her it was rude to walk away from a conversation. when he got to the bedroom she was there waiting on him, arms crossed over her white silk robe and her left foot shifted to one side.

"i thought you'd never shut up," she said with a mischievous smirk. "now," she continued as she stepped a bit closer to him, "are you done talking? or are we gonna have some fun," she continued as she loosened the knot from her robe making it drop to the floor leaving a wide eyed, lust filled harry.

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