[12] A Vampire Always Gets What He Wants

Start from the beginning

“Well someone’s in a bad mood.”

“Don’t waste my time Skyler, just cut to the chase.”

“Darius has noticed your recent absence and has decided to initiate his revenge by killing four of our people and leaving them decapitated on our front steps for all to see.” I took in a ragged breath at the news, that’s horrible.

“That son of a bitch!” Sebastian grounded out punching the near by wall in frustration, leaving a huge hole in the wall as drywall crumbled to the floor. Sebastian clenched his fists before he turned his gaze towards me, his beautiful blue eyes softening. He closed his eyes, letting out an aggravating sigh, before turning back around to face Skyler. He was a few inches shorter than Sebastian, clad in tight black pants, black combat boots, and a black vest which emphasized his huge biceps. His hair was dark brown and cropped short showing off his strong set jaw. 

“I guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.” 

“When do you plan to attack?”

“Tonight. Otherwise he might get overconfident and try to push his luck again tomorrow night.”

“The plane is all set and ready to go when you are,” Skyler said leaning causally against the outside of the door frame with his arms crossed.

“Alright, give me few minutes, I have to go make a quick call,” Sebastian said not waiting for a response as he slammed the door shut and started down the hall towards his room. Just thinking about his room brought back images of his psycho vampire ex-girlfriend thinking I was some sort of new chew toy. Yuck.

I stayed on the couch, leaning my head back. Sebastian was leaving. This was my chance. My chance to escape and get back home to my family, but that would mean that I’d never get to see Sebastian again. That one thought sent a sudden flood of sadness through me, my heart clenching. I wanted to leave, but at the same time I didn’t want to. Sebastian was growing on me and it seemed the more time I spent with him the more I craved his presence. 

Sebastian suddenly emerged from his room, clad in the same all black outfit as Skyler, but oh man did it look good on Sebastian. I was almost drooling at how hot he looked. The vest hugged him in all the right places emphasizing his muscular arms and broad set shoulders. As he made his way back towards the door I instantly paled at the sight of his back. Sebastian had six daggers strategically placed along his body. What is he, a vampire ninja or something? Sebastian opened the door and instead of Skyler standing there, a man that looked to be the next heavyweight boxing champion filled the doorway. His head almost touching the top of the door frame as Sebastian stepped aside to let him in.

Sebastian walked towards me, and sat down beside me on the couch. “Kate, I have to take care of some business, and I’ll be gone for a couple of days at the most,” he said in a soft voice taking both my hands in both his, trailing his thumbs over my knuckles. I gulped, trying to compose myself as the friction of his skin over mine sent an unknown feeling of utter bliss through my body. “Where are you going?” I managed to whisper out. Sebastian held my gaze as he said, “I can’t say but I promise I’ll be back soon. While I’m gone I’ve asked my friend Kurt to look after you.” Following his gaze towards the open door I saw another man stood where Skyler was just standing with his arms crossed over his humongous chest. His arms were the size of tree trunks and his face was framed by black strands of hair that reached his shoulders, making his green eyes almost glow, but his face was void of any facial expression as he kept his gaze locked on the wall behind us.

I quickly brought my gaze back to Sebastian’s his eyes turning a darker shade of blue. “Don’t be afraid, Kurt won’t hurt you, he’ll keep you safe while I’m gone,” Sebastian said, leaning in and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, his lips lingering. 

“Bye love, I‘ll see you soon.”

Sebastian stood up turning his attention back to Kurt, “Make sure she’s fed 3 times a day and get her anything she desires, but if anything happens to her, even a paper cut I’ll make sure you spend the next three decades in the fiery depths of the catacombs,“ Sebastian said in a menacing tone. Kurt‘s face cringed for a second before he composed himself and said, “Yes sir,” his voice a deep baritone.

With that said Sebastian walked towards the already open door where Skyler now stood waiting, Turning his head to stare one last time at me before closing the door gently behind him.

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