Newt and I were just laughing, Frypan kind of joining in, but it was very evident that Frypan is slightly angry because now he has to start all over again on supper.

"Sorry Fry." I say, sending a compassionate smile his way.

"It's okay, B." He says, still staring, astonished, at the pot and blackened soup.


"You know what I said to myself this morning? Can't let one fail get you down. Well how about shucking FIVE!" I groan, slightly taking myself aback at the use of my first Glade word. "God, I'm such an idiot. I'm going to be a slopper!" I say, shoulders dropping and eyes glued to the dead grass below my feet. I feel Newt's hand grab my chin, turning my face so I have to look in his eyes. I want to turn my eyes, avoid his piercing gaze, but I can't. I'm captivated in his eyes, and his word flow like silk to my ears.

"Now listen here you bloody shank. You're not cut out to be a Builder. Or a Cook. Or a Butcher, Track-hoe, or Med-jack. But we are not done yet. Just because you can't do some things doesn't mean you can't do anything. You have talent, somewhere inside you, I can feel it. You are smart, funny, kind, and god damn it you will find something. And if you don't, then so what. Those shanks have nothing on you. So don't you dare say one more bad word about yourself, because I bloody swear to the shank gods I will knock some sense into that gorgeous face of yours. I will not stand for it." He says, causing my breath to catch and my heart to speed up.

"I just feel like such a failure.. no one screwed up as bad as I did, even if they weren't good." I grumble. His words had given me hope, but I still couldn't seem to shake the weight from my shoulders.

"Oh yeah? That's what you think? You're going to listen to a bunch of hormonal teenage boys. I bet they never told you about when Gally tried cooking. He almost burnt down the entire kitchen. Or when Zart tried to be a butcher. He spent the rest of the day crying after 2 minutes. You are not the first person to screw up and you won't be the last, so pick yourself up and get bloody moving because you're not done yet." And with that, he stretched up, pulling me to my feet along with him.

"You know, you're pretty good at that. Cheering people up I mean." I say, bumping my shoulder against his.

"Yeah, well I don't do it for everyone, so bloody appreciate it." He grunts, eyes glued to the ground.

"I do." I smile. "What's next?" I ask.

He looks over at me, his face a mixture of emotions, "Runner."

My droopy and upset face contorts and a smile spreads across it. "Really?"

"Yep." Newt answers. "But it's not as easy as it looks."

"Will Minho be training me?" I ask.

"No, he doesn't get back from the maze for another couple of hours." Newt replies.

"Then who will be?"

"I am."

"You are?" I ask confusingly.

"I used to be a Runner." Newt answers his head slightly dropping back to the grass again.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't usually tell very many people."

I nod and with that, training began. To say that Newt didn't go easy on me just because I'm his friend is an understatement. He had me run 10 laps around the outside of the Glade and once I was done do 50 jumping jacks, 50 push ups and sprints down and back the length of the Glade.

"Movie it, Brooke!" Newt yells as I continue sprinting down towards the other end of the Glade. "I can run faster than that!"

My instinct is to flip him off, but I calm myself and continue running, because, other than Newt, the other thing I want very badly is to become a Runner.

I slow my pace slightly as I run up on the Glade wall, slap it, and turn back around, increasing my speed ands sprinting back down to where Newt is standing.

"And...done." Newt cheers as I slap the other side of the wall. "I gotta say, well done."

My chest heaves up and down. "Thanks." I breathe out, placing my hands on my knees and gasping for air.

"Yeah, I definitely think this is your job." Newt sighs.

My head lifts and my gaze finds his. "Really?"

"Really." Newt answers. "There'll still be a meeting held, but we both know how you did on everything else." Newt chuckles slightly. "And I'll put a good word in for you."

I smile and my head falls again, my gaze catching the grass.

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