Hello world

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Sam sat up on the sofa and heard light snoring coming from her bedroom. She panicked for a moment then remembered that Tori was in her bed. The brunette stood up and folded her blanket before making her way to the kitchen. She wasn't the greatest cook, but she knew that Tori was going to need something in her stomach with all the shots she had taken. That was just coming from the ones that Sam had saw. She sighed and glanced at her fridge before she went to find something to cook. Taking the pancake mix out she went in search of the milk needed.

When the pancake mix was stirred she pulled at pan out from under her newly stored cupboard. She looked it over then put it on the stove. With a few clicks the flame started and she waited for the pan to warm up. Going back to the fridge she pulled out her orange and apple juice and shut the door. She grabbed two plates and two glasses. After they were placed on the table Sam went back her pancakes and started to cook them. About half way through the black haired girl made her way from the bedroom, still wearing Sam’s sweater.

“Um. Hi.” Tori said quietly.

“Morning Tori.” Sam smiled at her.

“Hi... Sam...” she said slowly and sat down holding her head.

Sam walked over with a glass of orange juice and a ibuprofen, “Here. Should help the headache.”

“Thanks.” Tori mumbles before taking the pill, “Sam I...”

“We’ll talk later. Just eat.” Sam told her sadly as she put to pancakes on Tori’s place and turned off the stove.

They ate in the cold quiet and Sam gave a sigh before bring her plate into the kitchen. Tori followed without a word and placed her cup and plate in the sink. They both went into the living room and sat on different sides of the sofa. They had questions, but neither knew how to ask without opening a bunch of problems. Sam wanted to know why she had been so stupid and got drunk without anyone watching her and Tori just wanted to know how she got here... wherever here is...

“How... where am I?” Tori asked timidly.

“My apartment... I brought you here after you passed out at the party.” Sam told.

“So did we....” Tori asked softly.

Sam looked up at her. She knew Tori had had sex before, but didn’t like the way she was thinking. Sam wanted their first time to be special not a drunken mishap. She was really glad that she slept on the sofa. It would be harder to make Tori believe that she hadn’t done anything. In Sam’s mind that was rape. She was hammered and didn’t know what she was agreeing to. She shook her head and looked away from Tori.


It was quiet for a long time and Tori finally asked, “Are you mad?”

Sam turned and saw that Tori had tears running down her face. How could she be mad at the angle in front of her? She was more so disappointed than mad. She knew that Tori drank, but she just wished she would have waited so she could have watched her. For all she could have known some guy from the party could have taken her and raped her. Sam was just glad she found the black haired girl before that could happen.

“Hunny...” Sam spoke softly as she whipped the tear away and Tori curled into her lap, “I’m not mad baby girl. I was just so worried about you and my panic turned into anger. I just care a lot for you. Just thinking about could have happened is tearing me apart. I didn’t know you drank that much. I figured a beer or two... not five shots....”

“I should go...” Tori said sitting up and tried to pull away from Sam.

“No you don’t.” Sam pulled her back to her, “I want to help hunny. Please.. let me in.”

We fell in love in a hopeless place (girlxgirl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя