Other People's Dirty Work

Start from the beginning

"Oh flip is that Spiderman?" I gasped, looking down.

"Okay" Clint said assertively. "We're going to try and avoid involvement casualties, if you can, stay out of it, Percy and Lana, you two stick together, you'll follow up to the hanger but I'll probably be held up. I'll stay with Wanda. Just get to the quinjet."

"You make it sound like we're kids," Lana says sourly.

"You are." Clint laughed a little, him and Wanda began making their way in the general direction towards hanger five.

Once they left, I said. "I feel so neglected."

Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say because an Iron Man came crashing through the window above us. Instead of screaming, Lana grabs my hand and we're enveloped into darkness.

"Okay," I say, "maybe that wasn't the right thing to say."

We reappear, on the tarmac outside. The fighting has begun, and we're standing next to Clint. Wanda's looking nervous, Lana grumbles something about buying her costume from the op shop. She's wearing thigh-high boots with netted fishnet stockings and a short, leather miniskirt. She's wearing black, fingerless gloves and a black, leather jacket that ends at the elbows. With the bright red lipstick she looks like the typical badass gothic.

I realise that that bombs have just finished going off around us, Lana and I duck. Clint shields Wanda. Suddenly Lana's face flickers and glowing calculations appear, images flickering back and forth that make no sense to me. Lana frowns. "He's coming for us, for me." She turns to Wanda. "And you too, that's how he enlisted the help of Vision."

"And here I was thinking that he actually cared about me." Wanda ground out.

"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." Tony appeared, flying above us, his palms outstretched, ready to fire. Wanda didn't say anything, only maintained a killworthy glare.

"You locked me in my room." Lana scowled, she did that a lot, I noticed. Maybe she just had a bad past. A tragic and terrible past. Maybe she didn't like smiling. She liked jokes though. I hope.

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration, second, I did it to protect you. Hey Clint."

Clint, who'd looked rather unsettled since this whole thing began, was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, an arrow notched but not aiming. "Hey, man."

"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you, get tired of playing golf?"

Clint shook his shoulders and then turned it into a rolling movement. "Well, I played eighteen, shot eighteen. Just can't seem to miss." Clint fired three arrows, instead of hitting Iron Man they flew around him. He shot all of them out of the sky and turned back to Clint with a bigger ego.

"First time for everything."

"Oh my gods," I drawled. "Is there normally this much talking with you guys? Like the snide remark or two but seriously." I sighed, exaggeratedly.

Lana shot me a looks somewhere between a what the heck and finally someone said it and partially bewildered. "Character development," she explained, "gotta figure out differences, catch up, the normal stuff."

Avengers: Percy Screws Everything Up (Percy Jackson/ Avengers fanfic) ~Where stories live. Discover now