I Get a One-Way Ticket to An Asylum

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Shoutout to @jam_or_jello for being the first to comment on this book

It was health first because Wanda had some things to go and do. That seemed rather ominous. So instead, I followed Bruce down a couple of floors to what everyone called the labs. It made me slightly nervous, seeing all the rows of glass and white and medical equipment, find of like I was going for a modern torture session. I started to freak out and tried to breathe deeply as I entered.

"Sit here." Bruce said, gesturing to a table, I slid on and swung my legs like the twenty-two year old, kid that I am. "So I'm just going to ask you a bunch of questions and then we'll do a physical checkup."

"Okay." I said determinedly.

"Smoking status?"

"Non-smoker." Bruce scribbled down something on his clipboard.

"Alcohol usage?"

"Occasional. Not often."

"Sexual life?"

"Epic." I grinned, placing my hands behind my head. Bruce gave me that 'I know your lying cause I'm a doctor' look. "Once or twice." I muttered and shrugged.


"Pizza, burger, Coke and water," I ticked off. "Occasional SHIELD salad or meat." Bruce sighed heavily.

"You're as bad as Tony."

"At least I don't drink as much as him."

"Exercise status?"

"A couple of hours a day. Sometimes one, sometimes eight, depends on my mission status."

"What has been your travel status?"

"Interstate for the past three years, went to Greece and Rome some time back."

"Vaccination status?"

"Practically non-existent."

"And SHIELD let you go on missions?" Bruce asked, almost incredulously.

"They were mostly interstate." I shrugged. "All the best stuff happens in America, not much in Greece because of the financial collapse and SHIELD doesn't like sending their agents into stuff like that."

"Okay, I'm just going to check your blood pressure, natural body temperature, respiratory and heart rate. No drawing blood required." Bruce smiled and handed me things to stick to my chest and to my mouth. For about five minutes we sat in still silence, Bruce taking down the recordings, I occasionally tapped my fingers against the metal bench. "Okay done." Bruce gestured for me to take off all of the things and I complied gladly.

"So what's up doc?" I asked interestedly. Bruce feigned a wince at my joke.

"Well your blood pressure is ranging between a hundred and twenty-five to a hundred and thirty. Which is slightly worrying but usual for someone who has such a strenuous life. As long as symptoms don't go unchecked we should be fine."

"What would those feelings be?" I asked.

"Dizziness, problems breathing, shaking." Bruce listed off. "Good news though, basically everything else is okay. Your heart rate seems efficient if anything. I don't think that we'll need much further investigation as your vitalrdoofvrxorganscdnvfivndkcndkcndkvmdvidnivdcsm."

"Uh huh." I said. "Okay. So uh, what else do we have to do?"

Bruce momentarily stopped his medical gibberish and straightened his glasses. "Well we need to test your basic nerve responses to..."

"English please."

"He is." Tony Stark said, entering through the sliding glass doors and went over to the results tablet. I wanted to protest at him playing through my files but decided to keep my mouth shut. I needed this somewhat paranoid guy on my side.

"Open and say ah." Bruce said, in his hand he had a little flashlight.

"Do you know- ah." I tried to speak but then Bruce began poking around inside my mouth. "Ah, aye, ah ah." Which came out more as gurgling, fish drowning noises.

"Well, it looks healthy." Bruce mutters. "Let's just finish off with this. I'm going to show you some cards and you're going to say the first thing that comes to your mind, okay?"

"Like in those movies to see if the patient is crazy? Got it." Bruce rolled his eyes and shuffled a bunch of A4-sized cards. He held up his first.



"Splatter." Tony gave me a really? look and I shrugged, to be fair they all looked like splatters.


"Pine tree."


"Pizza." Tony grunted.

"Everyone says triangle."

"I'm sorry," I corrected, "triangle." Bruce shot Tony a 'can you stop interfering with my professional evaluation pls' look. Tony held his hands up in surrender.

"Blood splatter,"



"Cookie again."

"A decapitated head."

"Blood splatter."

"Uh, dust." I refrained from saying monster dust cause that would get me a one way ticket to the nearest asylum.

"Chiron." Internally, I cursed.

"Lighting bolt."

"Thor's hammer."

"Blood splatter." My voice grew weak, again. I clenched my eyes shut and breathed in through my gritted teeth.

"Percy are you okay?" Bruce asked concerned. But his voice was distant, foggy.

"Uh yeah, I just need a moment." I managed. I slid off the table and almost crumbled to the floor, I stumbled out of the lab and to the nearest private corner I could find, pushing the palms of my hands to my clenched eyelids so the tears wouldn't seep through.

Hi guys, bad news, I need to put this book on hold for a couple of days to edit one of my other books (the Disgraced Avenger) before the school holidays end (which is like next week), really sorry for that and so I can gather some inspiration for the next few chapters and the storyline. For now, could I ask you guys to answer a few questions to help me draw out the storyline?

Agent 33 + Percy y/n?

Appearance by Annabeth?

How did Annabeth die? We have that she was killed by a weaker monster in a small nightly skirmish but what do you want to add to that?

How should Thor react to Percy's presence?

Does Fury find out about Percy's past?

Who do you want the villain to be?

Can anyone make a cover?

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