"Yeah, the big one with the dark hair? He can be a little scary." I laughed at Charlie's comment. If only she knew that Emmett once literally saved a kitten who was stuck in a tree.

"Don't worry about Emmett, he wouldn't even harm a fly. Anyway, History presentation due in two weeks, let's focus!"

The next few months went by before I even blinked. I got closer with Charlie and started hanging with her more, but I still stuck sitting with my family at lunch. Slowly, I started to feel better. Started to feel more at ease with living here. I still thought about Tristan a lot, but it was getting less and less painful every time a thought came into my head.

"COME ON THAT WAS TOTALLY IN" Emmett yelled at the TV, my whole family was sat in the living room. Jasper and Emmett were watching baseball on TV, Carlisle was reading a thick dusty book, Esme was humming sketching a new design for a house, Alice's head was resting in Jasper's lap and Rose was french braiding my hair for me.

"Babe, chill out, it's just a game" Rosalie said rolling her eyes smirking, braiding my hair down my back.

"It may be just a game, but that was totally in." He growled at the TV "speaking of baseball, when's our next game? We haven't played since Forks and it got crashed by that tracker."

"I'll check for when the next thunderstorm is"Jasper spoke, taking his phone out of his pocket "there must be due one soon, it's getting colder out as well as more rainfall."

"Sounds good." Emmett reclined back into his chair and continued to watch the game. Rosalie patted my head to signal she was done and I sat back up onto the couch next to Esme, resting my head on her shoulder. She softly kissed the top of my head, and continued to hum and draw our next house for whenever we moved next. It felt normal again, like Forks had never happened. The only reminder is Edward being gone. Since our awkward conversation, things have been tense between us. He'll text me now instead of calling me, every few weeks to let us all know he's doing okay. He's still staying in Rio as far as I know and I don't think he plans on moving soon.

Suddenly, Alice shot up and gasped. Jasper was quickly crouched in front of her cupping her face in his hands looking into her eyes which were darting about the room.

"Alice, Alice? What do you see?" he asked holding her tight. Everyone in the room stopped, Carlisle put his book down and was now stood up looking at them both arms crossed, Rose and flew to Emmett's side, both starting intently at Alice, Esme squeezed my arm reassuringly but I saw concern flash across her face for a split second. Alice hadn't had a vision in months, we were all worried.

"It's Bella" she whispered "something's happening I can't see very much."

"Bella?" Carlisle's voice was filled with worry "Alice what do you see?"

"I'm not sure, I can only see some bits. Shes on a cliff, she's jumping" Esme gasped and stood up. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, what the hell is she doing? Why is she jumping off a cliff? She can't be... Oh god is she trying to kill herself?

"She's in the water, she's drowning" Alice gasped, then shook her head. The vision had finished. "I have to go to Forks, I have to see if she's okay." She quickly flitted out the room to her and Jasper's bedroom, I assumed to pack.

"I'm going with her" I said standing up.

"No you're not" Carlisle said sternly "I don't really want Alice going back so soon after we've left but I don't want Bella in any harm, I'm not having you both go back."

"Carlisle please" I begged "I have to make sure Tristan's okay, what if that was him jumping off a cliff. He wouldn't be that insane but still! I need to go see if he's doing okay, I won't cope if I know he's gonna hurt himself, please." His face was still stern, but he hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead gently.

"You can go, but don't let him know you're staying. We can't go back there, not just yet. It's too soon." I nodded gratefully, running upstairs to get changed and packed. I quickly changed into jeans, a olive green shirt and trainers. I opened my wardrobe, grabbed whatever I could and shoved it on my bed. Leaning down, I pulled a small suitcase out from underneath and shoved all the clothes I had in there. My heart was racing. What in the name of God was Bella doing jumping off a cliff? Is she insane? Has she seriously lost her mind.

"We can't tell Edward, not yet." I heard Alice mutter as I dragged my suitcase downstairs "I'm not sure what's happening yet and I don't want to worry him."

"Alice we have to, everybody know's I dislike the girl but if she's in danger he deserves to know" Rosalie hissed "if something happens to her, he needs to know."

"Rose no." Alice snarled back "he's already depressed, if he thinks she's dead I don't know what he'll do."

My blood ran cold, was it that serious? Could Bella actually be dead? No it can't be possible. We need to get to Forks now. I ran downstairs into the garage where everybody was waiting.

"I've booked you both tickets on the first available flight out to Washington" Carlisle said handing Alice some pieces of paper "it leaves in two hours, our cars are still in the storage unit in Seattle so go and get them. Call me when you land." Him and Esme hugged us both, Esme kissing our cheeks softly. Emmett punched my arm and squeezed me gently. Jasper and Alice kissed goodbye and Jasper hugged me. We got into a car with Rosalie who was dropping us off and sped off into the night.

"How bad was the vision Alice?" I leaned over from the back seat "could Bella actually be dead?"

"Honestly Mia, I'm not sure." She whispered "I just saw Bella jump, then in the water and then it all went blank, I don't know. Oh god Charlie" she gasped "if she's dead, her father." I just nodded understanding, if Bella was dead we needed to be there for Charlie who loved Alice. Rose was silent the whole journey, as much as she didn't like Bella, she loved Edward and I could see why she wanted to tell him.

Rosalie hugged us both goodbye when we got to the airport and sped off home, we ran to our gate and boarded our flight, both us grimacing with anticipation.

"I'm going to try and see if I can see anything else" Alice told me closing her eyes "if I see anything I'll let you know" I nodded and stared out the window as the plane took off, we would be in Washington in less than five hours. I'm not religious but I prayed. I prayed Bella was okay, and I prayed even more not to bump into Tristan.

You think your parents suck? Well mine are Vampires. (UNDERGOING EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang