Chapter 10 - Closer

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CHAPTER 10: Closer

I really don't know what situation I entered. And I don't know how to manage it. That's why I tried riding on the destiny's playful works. I'll continue it. I'll help Shane and Gillian get closer with each other. 

The next week,, he came again at our school to come with us. While walking through the street, I started what I have planned to do. 

"Oh, guys, I forgot to tell you that I'm going home with Gail. You can go ahead now." 

"No. We can wait for you so we can go home together." Gill objected. 

"It's okay. You can go ahead. We will ride in dad's car. He will fetch us." 

Gill checked the time. I noticed Shane raising his thumbs secretly, letting me see his thumbs-up sign and I read his lips saying "thank you." I smiled in response. 

"Ok, we'll go now. Bye Ana!" 

"Bye Gill! Bye Shane! Take care!" I waved at them. 

"Bye Ana!" He was smiling widely. He was satisfied by my simple help for him today. 

I released a breath as I took my first step to nowhere. Today, I told three lies to two persons at the same time, but one of them knew that I did that on purpose. 

My goodness. How I wish they would end up together so that my efforts and sacrifices are worth it...

even though seeing them together hurts me a bit. 

I realized I was in the school compound once again. I realized that it's Gail's dismissal time. Before I knew it, I saw her. She ran towards me. 

"Hey, Ana! I thought you went home already. You were with Gillian, right?" 

I nodded weakly. 

"Where is she?" She asked again. 

"She went home already... with Shane." I said in a low tone. 

"Then what--" 

She suddenly stopped. I guess she's internalizing the details. 

"Okay, I got it slightly, but clearly explain those things to me." 

While waiting for dad to arrive, I told her what happened last week, when Shane told me she likes Gill and he wanted me to help him get closer to her. 

"You did that? Seriously?" 

I just nodded. 

"I'm happy for you, Ana." 

"H-Happy for... for me? Why?" 

"In my whole life, I never met someone who would value friendship rather than love, not until you came in the family." 

My eyes were just involuntarily blinking while she was speaking to me. 

"You made the right decision. I can't believe that for you, your friendship with him is more valuable than your love for him." 

"Gail! I just have a crush on him! Nothing more than that!" I deffensively said. 

"Okay, okay. But we both know what and where this distance between you two would lead you." 

"Huh? What do you mean?" I puzzledly asked. 

"Closeness is the reason why we fall inlove for somebody. And that somebody happened to be your bestfriend." 

"Honestly, Gail, I did that because it's his happiness. I want them to be happy." 

"Aww... I'm so amazed, you know why? It's because you know how to love unconditionally. But wait, is that Gill's happiness, too?" 

I stared for a moment to think. "I don't know." 

"Maybe you should know. Ask her. It'll be easier for you to do your task if she feels the same way too. She's helping you in a way she doesn't know." 

"Okay. I'll try that." 

After a few minutes, dad arrived, and we went home. 

~ ~ ~ 

Spare time filled my weekend, that's why I decided to go out. I was riding on my bike and I stopped at the park when I saw Kian and Mark. 

"Hey!" I shouted. I caught their attention. 

"Hey, Ana!" They shouted back. 

"What brought you here?" Mark asked. 

"I'm so bored indoors. I decided to go biking, then I saw you. By the way, where's Shane?" 

"He said he has unfinished school works, so he stayed at home." He replied. 

"I see." I rested my bike near the bench to where they were sitting. 

"I really wonder why Shane doesn't go home with us these past few days." Mark said out of the blue. 

"Me, too. Maybe he got bored in our company." Kian added. 

They don't know a thing. Absolutely. 

"Don't think about that guys. He has a reason." 

"Do you know something we don't?" Kian asked. 

"Yes. If you want to know everything, let's go to him. And we'll ask him." 

They didn't moved a muscle. 

"Eh, we're too lazy to move." Mark said.

"And we'll eat there. My treat this time." 

Nobody spoke. They just move automatically. 

"What a trait." I said as I shook my head, and I ride on my bike. 

We ate first. The two said they didn't ate breakfast properly. That's why. 

Later on, we saw Shane at the counter. 

"Hey, Shaney! Come here. You have to tell us something." Kian approached. 

"Explain." Mark said as Shane sat beside me. 

My gosh. I bet these two has a future of becoming investigators rather than singers. 

"What do I need to explain to you guys?" 

"They wanted to know why you weren't going home with them." I told him. 

"Is it time to tell them about this?" He asked me in a low tone. 

"Maybe you should. They could help you better than I do." I replied. 

"Ok guys. *ehem* I pass by Ana's school before going home. We are going home together." 

That sounds different. 

"You mean--???" Mark said, then Kian cut him off. 

"You're officially--" 

Shane cut him off, too. "It's not what you think! Visiting Ana is not the main reason." 

These three lads are good in cutting off conversations. =_= They absolutely don't know a thing. 

"Then what is it?" 

"I want to see Gillian." 

"That sounds cheesy." I said inaudibly. 

There was silence before they burst up laughing. 

"Woooh! You're already becoming a man, buddy! Congratulations!" Mark happily said. 

"Oh yeah! Why didn't you told me that you like my cousin? I could have helped you a long time before!" Kian said while smiling. 


"Of course! That's what friends are for!" 

"Ok, so since Ana has already created her way to help me, can you help me too?" 

"I can't assure you that Shane. But I'll try." -Mark 

"I'm in to that." -Kian 

"Teamwork. That's it!" I said. 

"Thanks to you three." Shane said. 

"It's our pleasure!" -Kian 

Next step, I'll ask Gillian.

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