Thirty-two // Something I gotta say

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Textmessage Nr.23

"Hey Jess!"

"Hey Adam ^^"

"Do you remember how you asked about a second date?"

"Yeah of course I do! "

"Well how about tomorrow?"


"Yes, absolutely. I would love to!"

"Great, it's settled then but this time we will see each other."

"Oh god! Really?! Finally, I can't believe it. My heart...whoa yeeess."

"What am I going to wear?! I have to calm down. Ohhh you already saw me. Doesn't matter now. Gotta think."


"Jess haha calm down sweety."

"I have to tell you something tomorrow or I'm pretty sure seeing me will be totally enough."

"Huh? What do you mean with that?"

"Is everything alright Adam?"

"Ah yes, kinda haha..."

"Don't worry about that now babe."

"Aww okay, I can't wait for tomorrow."

"I'm terribly excited!"

"Me too, even more than you."

"Believe me that one."

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