Trouble on shore

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I felt Zac’s hand on my shoulder, it slid down my arm and into my hand. I squeezed it,’ trust me’ he said and I felt my body get lifted into the air. He was carrying me. I felt his chest against my side, his hand gripping my leg. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, I hope it was his cheek.’ Can I take this blindfold off now?’ I asked.’ No, just hold on a little longer Crimson’. He started moving. I could hear the seagulls above, the salty air whispered gently in my ear as it past us. I tightened my grip on Zac’s neck, I thought I was going to fall. He laughed. I heard a door swing open. The anticipation was getting to me. Zac bent down and let me stand up. I felt my hand out for him but he wasn’t there,’ Zac, this isn’t funny, where are you?’

’ Give me a minute Crimson’ he said. His voice was behind me. I turned,’ nope’ he said. He was circling me like a vulture, he was the predator, and I was the meal.’ Take the blindfold off’ I whined.          ’ Okay Crimson’ he said and the blindfold was whisked off. In front of me was Zac holding a tray. On it was a coconut shell with an orange liquid inside it. He nodded his head and I picked it up. Mango milkshake, how did he know I loved it? ’You had a stack full in your fridge at home’. I laughed, oh yeah forgot about that. Zac went a lay on the couch. I sat on the edge, his arms wrapping around my stomach,’ this place is amazing’ I finally said. The beach was our front garden. The kitchen was sparkling silver, I could see my face in it. Everything looked like it was made out of bamboo, or something along that line. The massive windows showing every inch of the island practically. The spiral stairs in the corner leading upstairs. It was perfect, something that I wouldn’t forget in this lifetime.’ Yes, my father left it for me in his will. And I finally get to share it with the girl of my dreams’. I smiled, I think my cheeks went red because Zac laughed again.’ Don’t worry about clothes, I had my maid buy you some, bikini’s, dresses and casual clothes as well,’ he has a maid.’ Did have a maid, before she sadly passed away’. Or you mean you killed her. Shut up stupid voice in my head.’ Yes I killed her, if she knew about this place then anyone would. Michael, if he got wind of this place, you wouldn’t be safe’. What is it with this Michael, who is he? Thoughts buzzed through my head. ‘He’s the top vampire at the minute in this place, he took over my home, I had to oblige or my head would have been ripped off. The reason he wants you is because he wants me to fall in love with his daughter. That however will never happen as I have found my soul mate and I’m not loving someone else ever again’. I smiled,’ is there any way I can keep you out of my head?’ I asked.’ There is, building up a wall in your head but you’ll never know as I won’t tell you’. I placed the cup on the glass table, yeah you heard right glass table, and jumped on top of him. I pinned him down on the sofa,’ tell me’ I asked. He leaned up and before I could move I was underneath and he was pinning me down’ no I like hearing what you think about’. He leaned in to kiss me. I sucked on his low lip. He moaned and started unbuttoning my shirt. His hands ran up my body. I pulled at his top. He reached forward and I pulled it over his head. He then pushed me against the pillow and started kissing me again, his hands brushing through my hair. I ran my hands up and down his back making him moan. I closed my eyes and started kissing his neck, up and down, leaving small red marks around his neck.’ Crimson, don’t stop’ he spurted out in between the moans. His fingers started unbuttoning my t-shirt. His cold hands rubbed my stomach giving me shivers all around my body, his hands were freezing. I pulled him down so his lips connected with mine again…

‘Here’s your top Zac’ I said and held it out to him.’ Thanks’ he said and pulled it over his head. ‘Is it alright if I go outside on the beach?’ I asked him. ‘Course Crimson, this is your home, you can go anyway’. I smiled, kissing him on the cheek, I walked outside onto the hot sand that lay just before the door. The sun was red hot and was probably the right temperature to give me a tan. I lay down just before the sea, the water just reaching my foot. I unbuttoned my shirt slightly, just showing my stomach. I really needed to change, think it has been at least two days since I last had a clean outfit on. I held my hands behind my head and looked up at the clouds moving gently across the blue sky. ‘Here’s your bikini, I heard you wanted some clothes. In our room I’ve filled it with enough clothes to last you a very long time, and shoes. Well when I say me I mean…’ I interrupted his speech by flinging myself on him and making him topple onto the ground.  I lay on top of him, just giggling to myself, acting like a right idiot. He got me shoes, and clothes, but more importantly he got me shoes. He started laughing’ if I had known that all I needed was shoes to get you to act like this, I would of done it weeks ago’. I pushed myself off him and lay on the warm sand. He turned sideways and hid the sun from my eyes,’ shoes are like my life Zac; nothing comes between me and a new pair of Christian Louboutin shoes’. He smiled down at me, his green eyes that hold so much past memories looking down on me, bright and beautiful. Something about his smile made me just wants to smile back at him. So that’s what I did, smile and laugh. I pulled on my bikini while Zac had his eyes closed, I know so weird but I still respect my body as much as he should.’ You can open them now’ I said. I stood in front of him, my bikini (blue and pink flowers) I don’t know what it is, me and floral patterns but they just suit my body I guess.

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