By the end of the night

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Zac carried me to the car. I snuggled into his shoulder, holding on tightly as the wind whisked past them. It was a cold night, I prayed Zac had heating. He slid me into the car and fastened my seatbelt. He got in on the other side and turned on the car. He turned to look at me; I was shaking from the cold. He turned the dial on the car and warm air breezed on my face. I smiled as I felt the warm air went through my body warming it up as it went. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the window,’ Crimson, lean your head on my shoulder, it’ll be softer’ he whispered and pulled my head over to his shoulder softly. I brushed my hair behind my ear and placed my hand around his hand on the wheel. He stiffened but relaxed as he felt me start rubbing the back of his hand. I closed my eyes and pulled my hand into my stomach. It was going to be a long ride. I felt sleep over come me and before I knew it I was out.

‘Crimson, Crimson’ Zac was shaking my shoulders softly. I opened my eyes,’ what’s wrong?’ I whispered. I was still a little groggy and wasn’t fully awake.’ I’ve just put some gas in the car, do you want anything from the shop?’ he asked me. I nodded, I only noticed that I was feeling rather empty inside,’ I’ll have a packet of prawn cocktail crisp please and a can of sprite’ I asked. He kissed my forehead then ran into the shop. I heard a clap of thunder then rain started pattering down on the front window. I jumped when I heard another clap of thunder. I was always scared of thunder. I slid down off the seat and hid next to the door. I screamed when I saw a flash of lightening, it looked really close. I heard a bang on the car shaking it a bit. I held my head in my hands, trying to slow my heart down, it was beating so fast. I felt something cold wrap around my wrists. I pulled away then looked up to see Zac staring at me, his face white with fear,’ baby, are you okay, what’s wrong, did someone try and hurt you?’. I saw a tear trickle down his cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. I jumped again, the thunder sounded really loud. Zac chuckled to himself,’ you’re afraid of thunder’. I nodded. He pulled me closer,’ you just get cuter the more I learn about you’. I smiled at the thought of that. I felt butterflies in my stomach.’ When thunder comes, the best way to deal with it is to count’. I pulled back and looked at him,’ what, count, how is that going to stop thunder?’ I asked. It just sounded stupid to me.’ When you count, the further on you get it means the thunders going away, watch’ he said. He listened for a clap then started counting steadily. He reached 3. We waited again then heard another. Zac counted again and reached 5. I smiled,’ okay, I understand’ I said. He crawled backward and pulled up on the seat. He handed me the bag once I crawled back onto the seat. I looked in and pulled out the crisps. I sat there eating the loudly while we waited for the thunder to die down.

I sat staring up at the sky wondering what Megan was doing right now. The stars were all there clear as day, bright, shining above. As we past a sign I checked to see when we were. Some town called Shilo. I looked at Zac but his face was set on the road.  House after house. We passed by the beach, the moon shone on the sea. I watched some people coming out the bar. They were laughing and having fun.  Zac coughed and made me jump.  I pulled my coat so it covered my body; I was starting to get cold. Zac pulled up onto a driveway, I stared up at the house, it was huge,’ this is yours?’ I asked. He nodded and jumped out the car. He came round my side and opened the door. I undid my seat belt and was about to get out when Zac wrapped his arms under my legs and across my back and picked me up. I rested my head on his shoulder.  He shoved the door open with his leg and walked inside. The hall was massive and grand. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was bright and gave off a warm feeling. There was a staircase the wrapped round the side heading up onto the second floor.  There were 4 doors leading off to different rooms. Zac started walking up the stairs when the door on the left open and Jack came out of it.’ So is she one of us’ he asked as he folded his arms. He was standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at Zac but his eyes kept darting to look at me.’ No she’s not and she won’t be one of us, ever’ he said coldly and continued to walk upstairs. I looked left and right. The hallway seemed to go on forever. Doors on each side. There were two windows at both ends with a seat underneath them. He turned left and opened the first door. Inside stood a double bed. It was neatly made with red sheets and plumped pillows. There was a chest at the bottom of the bed. Across from there was a chest of drawers. Brown with silver handles. A 4 by 4 window was at the side. It looked across a pool. Small candles were set along the walls making it bright. They were fake candles but it still gave the room an old feeling. There was a door just next to the drawers which could only mean it was a bathroom. Zac laid me gently on the bed then went over the drawers. He pulled out the second drawer and pulled some clothes out. I sat up and watched Zac pull out stuff. He turned around and held up two pyjamas.’ Which colour?’ he asked. I pointed to the peach coloured one with the red flowers. It was a tank top with shorts. He chucked them to me then put the other pair into the drawer.’ I’ll leave you to get changed, I’ll be downstairs, the door to the right’. He left the room and I heard his footsteps as he went down. I picked up the pj’s and got off the bed. I walked into the bathroom. Everything was white apart from the cabinet underneath the sink, it was dark brown. There was mirror hanging over the sink. I checked my reflection and saw that I looked a mess. I pulled my bobble out and redid it. I undressed and pulled the pyjamas on. They fit perfectly, how did he know what size I wore? I walked back into the bedroom and placed my clothes onto the chest. I looked out the window, staring into the deep black sky. I thought about what Jack said, is she one of us yet? It gave me the chills. I rubbed the back of my neck as I turned around to face a girl staring at me.’ Um hi’ I smiled at the girl. She stared at me,’ what you doing in here?’ she asked.’ Zac brought me here; I’m just here for the night’. She twirled her hair;’ Michael is so going to have a field day with this’ she giggled and ran out the room. She was weird. I stepped out the bedroom and headed downstairs. I made sure I didn’t run into her or Jack on the way down. I walked across the hall to the right. I turned the handle, hesitating just a little. I heard talking; I rested my ear up against the door.

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