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‘You really take my breath away’ I breathed out; Zac and I were lying under the covers. Zac turned onto his side and looked down at me. I trailed my fingers along his chest,’ this was wrong’ I said.’ How, you enjoyed yourself, I enjoyed myself, where’s the crime’ he said to me. There was that, I did have fun.’ Hi, I’m home’ Megan shouted. Shit, I forgot she was out. I pushed Zac out of bed,’ get ready and get out otherwise she’s going to kill you and she’s definitely going to kill me’ I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on. I heard the window open and a gust of wind as Zac flew out, or however he got out. I pulled on a t-shirt and picked up the ripped one on the floor. I heard my door open so I chucked it out the window. I jumped on my bed with a magazine just as Megan came in,’ hey, how you feeling?’ she asked. I looked up from the magazine,’ I’m better’ I said then looked back down. I noticed that my magazine was upside down so I placed it on the bed and hoped that Megan hadn’t noticed.’ I got ice-cream’ she said and held Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough ice-cream up. I smiled,’ get the spoons’.

By 10pm, we had finished the ice-cream and were lying on my bed with some magazines.’ Did you hear, Robert Pattinson moved out or Kirsten Stewart’s house’ I said to Megan.’ Really, oh my god, she should never have cheated’. Megan always knew everything about celebrities; she kept up with the latest news. I stood up,’ I need the bathroom’ I said. I sneaked into the bathroom and locked the door. I felt a stabbing pain in my side. I turned sideways to the mirror and pulled up my t-shirt,’ shit’ is all I could say. Two marks on my side were bleeding out. It looked like… like,’ Zac what have you done’ I whispered to myself. I pulled out my phone and rang Zac.

‘Hi Crimson’

‘What have you done?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well the bite mark may be a bit of a give away’

‘I bit you?’

‘Well who else would of’

‘I am so sorry, I’ll be right over’

I walked out of the bathroom,’ I need to go out, just for some air’ I said. Megan stared at me, ‘why, what’s wrong’. I shrugged my shoulders as I grabbed my coat,’ I’m okay’ and with that I walked out of the apartment and onto the landing.’ Let’s see it then’ I heard Zac say. I turned to look at him,’ it’s not bad’ I whispered. He came closer and pulled up my t-shirt. I turned to the side and let him look at it. His cold hand made me shiver.’ How much pain’ he asked.’ Not a lot, I only felt it because I turned on my side’. He pulled my t-shirt back down and pulled my close to him,’ I’m sorry, I don’t remember biting you’. I wrapped my hands around his neck,’ I don’t mind, just as long as you’re sure I’m not going to turn into a vampire’ I asked.’ I promise Crimson’ he smiled at me. I leant in and sucked on his lower lips. I felt his hands brush through my hair.

‘CRIMSON AMBROSE!’ I heard Megan shout at me. I looked up at Zac then turned to face her,’ I can explain’ I spoke up.’ Don’t even bother, he’s bad news but if you want to mess with him go ahead, but you won’t do it in my property’ and she slammed the door behind her. I banged on the door,’ Megan, please!’ I shouted over and over. Zac came behind me, I felt him breathe over my shoulder,’ give her some space, she’s not going to let you in tonight’. I turned around and slid to the floor,’ so I’m homeless tonight’ I whispered. Zac bent down and looked at me,’ come and stay a mine tonight, it’s no trouble’. He stood up and held out a hand. I looked at him then looked up at the door. There was no way I was going to get anywhere with her tonight. I grabbed Zac’s hand,’ okay, but just tonight’.


Very quick, do you think Megan is going to forgive her. Next update will be next week

love Hells1angel xxxxx

My boyfriends a vampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora