Let the games begin!

Depuis le début

I sighed. Gym will be boring without Asher getting under Coach Sanchez's skin.

Oh! How am I going to survive this week?


"Why am I getting the feeling of being a FBI agent right now?" Liam rubbed his face in frustration.

"There must be something we are missing here!" I groaned and dived my nose into the report we made, again.

"I am sure that Cedric is dead." Neal piped in, indifferently. I looked up at him in confusion.

"How are you so confident?"

"Wikipedia knows it all." He shrugged. I hit him with my binder.

"Shut up!"

And he shut his trap. I looked at Liam for any help but he shook his head.

"That's all for today, I guess. It's already 5 and I have to be somewhere at 6." I sigh.

Liam nodded his head, mildly confused but Neal narrowed his eyes.

"With Alex?"

"Yeah." I smiled in excitement as I brushed off the venom in Neal's voice. He begrudgingly started packing up his stuff while muttering something under his breath.

"See you at night?" I was surprised when Liam actually made an attempt to remind me. Not that I will forget but this was definitely a first.

"Yeah." I smiled up at him. From peripheral vision, I saw Neal studying us with scrutinising eyes. I doubt he would have heard Liam's whisper.

I bid them good bye and locked the front door. Hopping upstairs, I threw open my closet.

What to wear?

I studied my whole wardrobe and found nothing but Aiden's old shirts and a few of mine along with a few jeans and shorts. I sighed and dialled dad.

"Am I dreaming or did my princess actually graced her old man?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled at dad's dramatic choice of words.

"Dad! I am in middle of a fashion crisis right now!" I huffed and heard him choke on whatever he was drinking. Concern overpowered me. "Are you okay, dad?"

He coughed for a while before he cleared his throat.

"I am sorry. You're in middle of what?"

"Fashion crisis, dad!"

"Okay...?" he drawled, clearly not buying it.

"Dad, I have to attend Alex's fencing tournament in an hour. There is a formal party afterwards and I don't know what to wear!"

"Crap! It's today?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, confused.

"I was invited by my new business partner for dinner, today. He wanted to meet my family. Asher and Aiden couldn't make it but I thought at least you could come." I could totally imagine him running his hand through his hair.

"Do you want me to can-" even the thought of cancelling on Alex disheartened me. I was that hyped up.

"No. A dinner can be rearranged but an achievement can't be. You should go, princess." I love my dad for being so understanding. "Just don't drink or push your limits if you don't feel okay. This is a formal party and I suppose there won't be loud music as such."

I bit my lip knowing fully well why he was concerned. Dad gets a lot of ball and party invites too but he never lets us attend. That's the only reason why the three of us are still living a life out of limelight.

City of Blind ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant