"Sorry," Luna sighed, "She finally convinced him and he agreed. You have to understand. I couldn't tell you!" Luna pleaded.

"Why? Why couldn't you tell me? It would be a great honor to have a child with the moon Goddess herself," it came out very sarcastically, "so why was it so hard!"

"I had to protect your mother's honor," Luna explained.

"What?" Kendra stopped, confused her anger at Luna faltering.

"How would it have looked if instead of mating with her, her mate had to mate with someone else to create a suitable heir?" Luna pointed out.

"But that's not how it was! She is the real mother to Rowland. He is the rightful heir. I am just the second child . . . a bratty daughter. What would that matter?"

"You are meant to save the whole supernatural world and you are calling yourself just the second child? Just a daughter. I needed a daughter. A son would have been no use to me. You are that daughter. Your mother had to step aside and let someone else use her mate to create the savior of her world. She felt useless for the longest time. I stayed with her, though. I comforted her and she made me promise I would not tell you until I absolutely needed to. I think that time has come. With your Father and Mother, both passed away it is time to take your rightful spot as Queen of the Vampires and Alpha overall Alphas." Luna sighed.

"We knew you could not do this alone, though," Nyx said and Kendra turned to her looked the calmest she had since the goddesses arrived.

"So we chose two suitable mates. Ones that would create the healthiest heirs," Luna explained.

"It's too much pressure," She turned from Luna to Nyx as tears began to fall from her eyes. She looked utterly deflated.

This time neither Marcus nor I could hold ourselves back. We both stood and took a step towards our mate.

"I know, but you have to understand you have Luna, Marcus, Derek, and I to lean on whenever you are in need," Nyx reassured stepping into Marcus's path.

"But you also must understand that you have to be strong. The path that you must take will be hard for others to understand," Luna stepped in my way.

"This is uncharted territory and some time . . . most of the time, you will have to trust yourself and your own abilities and also mine and Luna's judgment." Nyx smiled.

"Yeah, yeah," Kendra breathed out.

It was obvious she was about to crumble under all the pressure the goddesses were putting on her. It was clear she needed to just get rid of them. She needed to relax and sleep and just be normal for one moment, but (as all of us in this room knew) she would never be normal . . . she never was.

"Fine, we will leave you to your mates," Nyx sighed and kissed Kendra on the forehead.

"Goodbye," Luna breathed and kissed Kendra on the forehead also.

Then they both disappeared.


As soon as Luna and Nyx were gone both Marcus and Derek rushed up and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Big mistake.

"Oh God," I moaned as the pure pleasure of their touch literally brought me to my knees, panting for breath.

"Holy Shit." Derek moaned at the same time Marcus moaned, "Damn."

Then they seemed to notice that I was on the ground. They both kneeled on either side of me.

From Beta's Sister to Alpha's Mate (Book 1: Completed)Where stories live. Discover now