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    What the hell is Amber talking about. Sammy? Drugs? I just stood there trying to put everything together and I think Sam realized cause he interrupted my thoughts by saying
"We need to talk.."
     I didn't reply but I followed Sam to the couch and we both sat down. I wanted to hear what was going on.

       Rose and me both sat down on the couch and the truth was going to come out I hope she doesn't hate me. I grabbed her hand and looked at them and started from the beginning.
"So a couple years ago, I got involved in drugs and selling them. This was all before we met Rose." She nodded for me to keep going. 

"Well Amber was in the business with us and we messed around but nothing serious and we made a promise that if either of us ever had a drug dealing problem or any problem we'd help each other out. That was before I left that all behind me." Rose seemed lost and hurt in all of thing and I felt absolutely horrible for not telling her sooner. 

"So you two fucked?" She asked.

"To be completely honest yes but it meant nothing to me and I need to tell you more." She whispered an "okay" looking broken.

"There was a day where a drug deal went wrong and almost lost everything. So I dropped out of the business and then I met you. I don't know why I did it babe. But I'm not going to help Amber she can fix it herself and I'm not going to let anything happen to you or our baby okay.?" I was now kneeling looking for some kind of response from her. But the only thing that happened was my fiancé got up and walked upstairs to I'm guessing our shared bedroom.

      I need to process everything that was just told to me. But it just left me with unknown questions to ask Was he a druggie? Is danger going to be brought to us? The most important one though is could his past kill him? I didn't even wanna think about anything. So I walked in to the bathroom and decided to take a bubble bath and relax.
10 mins later....
      I heard a light knock on the bathroom door and Sam ask if he could "come in" and I responded with a "yea."
"I'm sorry I put you through this and didn't tell you sooner." He said sitting on the bathroom floor facing me but was leaning up against the wall.
"Are we in danger?" I asked.
"I'm not sure baby, but I sure as hell won't let anything happen to my two girls." He scooted so he was by the edge of the tub and I knew he wanted to hold my hand so I grabbed his.
"I love you." Is all that he said before kissing my head and walking out of the bathroom.

    Why he just walk out? Where is he going? Why did he just leave me like that?

a/n I'm back 😊 it's been AWHILE!!!! But I'm ready to keeping writing. This was a short chapter might do another one tonight. 😉 Probs going to update my other book friends with benefits fanfic too so yayyy! Like and comment ❤️❤️

Daddy s.w.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora