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(his hair😒 and then the aye ma music video the girl was fucking half naked *face palms themselves* then that bitch don't even have long blonde hair. like Sammy get your shit together. wtf u doing boy like why u do this to me 😩)

Rose's POV

I woke up and almost forgot where I was and what happened last night.

I looked at Sammy. He was still dead asleep but looked so peaceful. I turned over to look at the clock and it read 9:30am! What the hell am I doing up?!? idek but I had to pee so I went to the bathroom.

After I went to the bathroom I walked back to Sam's bedroom and looked through the door and didn't see him? wtf is going on.

"BOO!" Sammy jumped out of the room across the hall and attacked my sides.I almost just shit myself...

"WTF! Sammy you scared the hell out of me!" I was breathing heavy I think I had a mini heart-attack.

"aww I'm sorry princess." that word he just called me made me smile like an idiot. then I thought about what I was thinking about last night. 'how long is this gonna last?'

"Rose?" Sam was waving his hands in my face and it snapped me out of my thoughts.

"yea sorry I was just thinking."

"about what?" he kissed my cheek.

"nothing it doesn't matter." I turned around and looked at him and smiled.

"Stop staring at me u geek."

"shut up." I laughed and started walking downstairs.

"Omg Sam- Rose?" Nate said with Sophie by his side.

"Hey guys." I waved.

"When did u get here?" Nate said getting up to hug me.

Okay so Nate hasn't been at the house lately he's been staying with Sammy since we took a break. so I haven't seen him in awhile.

"hey brotha" I ran meeting him halfway to hug him.

"how've you been?"


"okay so asking again when did you get here?" he asked annoyed.

"oh last night late." I said a little shaky but i don't think anyone noticed.

"oh okay." I looked behind him and was looking at Sophie.

"Hey Sophie!"

"Hey bitch how've you been!"

"oh you know good hbu?"


then the front door opened revealing the one and only Madison. along with my boys Jack and Jack.


"omg Rose!" I was running for Johnson now and jumped and hugged him.

"wow I see how it is." gilinsky said.

"oh shut up." I got off Johnson and jumped on gilinsky.

Then I look at Madison. I ran and hugged her.

"ITS A FAMILY REUNION!" Madison screamed.

"True though."

"what are we doing today?" a very mad Sammy said. wtf is his problem now?

I walked over to him and stood behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. no one was paying attention to us they were all talking and catching up so I needed to make him lighten up.

I stood on my tipped toes considering I'm like 5'4 and he's about 6'.

I was just tall enough on my tipped toes to reach his ear.

"you know I did have sex with you and if you think ur getting any from me tonight you better chill out." I smiled against his ear. to tease him I bit his ear and released him.

"so guys what are we gonna do today?" Sammy asked again. this time cheerful.

"why don't we go to the mall?!?!" I excitedly recommended.

"OMG YES!" Madison and Sophie said simultaneously.

"Mall it is I guess. God damn girls." Johnson said. I don't think we were meant to hear the last part but we did.

"Haha. Ur fucking hilarious Johnson." I sarcastically said.

"I do it for the boys baby." I laughed cause I was think wtf are you talking about Johnson...

"okayyy don't call my BABY ur baby." Sammy said. I swear this bitch has no chill.

"nochillsammyboy over here." I pointed at the bitch that now has his arms around my waist and chin on my shoulder.

"damn baby girl do u want to pull my hair that 'that turns you on so much' again? if so I suggest u stop." Sammy threatened and then thoughts of last night flashed back in my head.

"fuck." I groaned. I could tell by not even looking at Sammy that he was smirking.

"that's right Rose. listen to me and it will be easy to get me in bed."

"what if I don't like easy?" I whispered by turning my head towards him behind me and smiling and turning back around to listening to what are plans were.

"shit. umm I have a little problem.."

I looked back at him and saw him looking down and I realized I was pushed up really tight against his.

oops. sorry not sorry.

"not my problem." I said going to get out of his grip and then he pulled me back in trying to avoid the awkwardness it would cause if my brother and friends all see his boner.

"is your problem you cause it."

"not my fault I'm hot as fuck and that your always sexually frustrated." I laughed a little.

"guys I'm gonna go get ready." then I got out of Sam's grip and let it awkward for him. and I laughed a little.

"Sammy ur girl causing you a little problems?" Gilinsky joked

"umm. haha. fuck you. Rose I'm gonna kill you!" he screamed chasing me upstairs.

I was dying of laughter and went to go hide cause I knew he was gonna torture me.

I was hiding under the bed. I'm so dumb but I didn't know where else to hide.

"Rose come out where ever you are baby."

I was biting my lip to hold in laughs.

The blanket was lifted and Sammy was now pulling me out from under the bed.

"found me." I smiled.

"yes I did and now I'm gonna keep you. for a very long time." he smiled and leaned in kissing me. it felt so good to be with him again.

When Sam pulled away he suggested I go and get ready. so I did. I'm surprised he didn't make me help him with his 'little guy' but now that I said that in my head his 'little guy' isnt very little. then I thought about last night and was think did we use a condom. oh shit. I don't thing we did....


a/n I'm tired. I'm gonna go take a 500 year nap 😊

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