Chapter 14 - Faye Lenards

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"Faye," I heard.

I closed my locker and looked over to my right.

"Hey," he spoke. He had a big smile on his face.

He looked good. He wore black jeans and a burgundy shirt. His brunette hair was a bit tousled. It still fell a bit on his forehead though. I could see a bit of stubble on his face. It wasn't there a few days ago when I kissed his cheek. Nonetheless, he looked good with it.

My cheeks grew warm, just thinking about our date the other night.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You dyed your hair," he spoke.

"Dark blue." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I like it." He smiled.


"So how was your morning?" he asked.

"It was fine. How was yours?"

"It was alright. I kind of woke up late, but I still made it on time."

"That's good to hear."

The first bell rang. Students around me started walking in different directions. The hallway became more packed.

"I'll walk you to your class." He wrapped his arm around me.

We walked past the big crowds of people trying to get to class as well.

"I'll see you later," he spoke.

We stood outside my classroom. We didn't say anything else. I just stared up at him. He wrapped his arms around me for a hug, and I did the same.

I walked inside my class, with a smile on my face.

Paxton was the cause of that smile.

The whole period, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He made me feel all warm inside. A feeling that was hard to describe. I don't think I had ever felt this way before.

Even the books I had read never made me feel like this.

I couldn't stop smiling. I just couldn't.

Actually, the rest of my periods were all like that. I would just continue to think about Paxton and hardly anything else. Even in health class, the class we shared together, I could barely stop smiling. He would look over at me, during Pastols lecture, and catch me smiling. He would do the same and smile. I would get butterflies in my stomach.

At lunch, Paxton and I sat under the tree we sometimes sat at. I liked this tree a lot. It was always so shady. You could see almost the entire quad from this tree.

Our backs were against the tree. We sat side by side. My legs were crossed at the ankles. Paxton had one leg stretched out and one leg bent, resting his arm on it.

"So what'd you do this weekend?" I asked.

"My cousins came over to visit. We hung out. Mostly just chilled and watched movies. What about you?"

"My mom and I went to the mall. She wanted to buy some new shoes for an event she's going to."

He nodded his head.

"Were they the cousins that you would go ice skating with?"

"Yeah. It's four of them. It's Cara, Elsa, Alan, and Julissa."

"Do you hang out with them a lot?"

"Well, they live in Oregon, so they usually visit every now and then."

I nodded my head.

I looked around. Different people were doing different things. Some were eating, a few were talking and some were just walking around.

I looked over at Paxton. He was staring at me.

"Hey, did I tell you how beautiful you look today? Because you do. You look beautiful."

I smiled. He was making me feel all warm inside again.


He smiled.

"So how has your day been so far?" he asked.

The whole day, I could barely stop smiling. I could barely stop thinking about him.

"It's been good. Yours?"

"I've had a nice day." He smiled. "I'm just glad I get to spend lunch with you."

Again, with the butterflies in my stomach. I was seriously crushing on him bad. I doubt he even knew how he was making me feel.

After lunch ended, Paxton and I headed to our fifth period class.

In our home ec. class, we watched a few films on how to make macarons. Paxton wouldn't pay any attention to the films. The whole time the films were playing, Paxton tried to make me laugh. He would make funny faces or try and tell some awful jokes. I laughed at his attempts to remember the jokes. He would forget them or totally give them away. I would laugh then he would laugh. Long story short: we would disrupt the class and our teacher would give us a few death glares. That made us laugh even more. We stopped laughing after she threatened to separate us and pair us with different people. We stayed pretty silent after that.

When class ended, Paxton walked me to my next class.

I actually enjoyed when he walked me to class because I enjoyed his company. I liked knowing that he actually wanted to walk me to my next classes. He usually insisted that he walk with me.

After school, Paxton and I hung out for a bit.

We sat on the lawn in front of the school where we sat a couple of times before.

Paxton looked at me. We were sitting across from each other.

"Tell me something?"

"Sure," I replied, meeting his green eyes.

"Why don't I see you hanging out with people?"

"I usually like hanging solo." I shrugged my shoulders. "What about you?"

"Ehh a lot of people piss me off." He raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders.

I laughed.

"There are few people whom I actually talk to," he spoke.

I nodded my head.

After some time of just hanging out, Paxton drove me home.

He opened the door for me, when we arrived.

Holding my hand, he walked me up the steps to the front porch of the house.

"I'll see you at school," he spoke.


"I really enjoyed spending time with you." He wrapped his arms around me.

"Same here."

We pulled away, and he walked down the steps.

"Don't forget!" he called out.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"This upcoming Friday. I'm taking you to your first party."

I nodded my head.

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