Then came the juniors; decked in purple and white from head to toe.

Then the sophomores, some of whom still have some learning to do.

And then the freshmen; whom still have not a clue what this is all about.

I start to get excited, my foot starts tapping the ground anxiously, my mind goes about a mile a minute on what I should do this time, my hand jittering as it holds the wireless microphone.

The Senior president makes a short speech on this week's progress, then hands it off to Coach Clark, "How y'all doin' today?"

There's a weak response.

"Was that Timberline?" He asks sarcastically into the mic, "I believe we aren't wussbags, I said how y'all doin' today?"

This time thunderous yells and lightning strike applauds fill the air.

"Much better." He waits until everyone settles down, "now, I had this long speech prepared for today, ya know, it's our rivalry game and all," he pauses and listens to the roar of the students. I smile and clap. "But I think we'd rather hear something from the team." That gets 'em going. The start stomping the beat to 'We Will Rock You' by Queen onto the bleachers.

I nod to Ty, he hands me a smaller version of our school flag, and the music starts playing, something by Ft. Minor. I hoist the flag up and the crowd gets louder, they can't even see me yet. The adrenaline pumping, we run out onto the gym floor, making an oval as we run, I'm yelling and laughing, finally I slam the flag pole into the pre-set stand and the team gathers around me. I start how we always start. "Let's take a moment to pray," I feel the gym go silent:

"Father, be with us as we crush Timberline tonight." I smile wickedly, "We pray that you will guide our footsteps and give us the power to clear our minds, and we please forgive us because..."

The team, the cheerleaders, and the coaches say with me; "...'we never show weakness, the only pain that matters is the pain you inflict'."

The next part the team and the crowd say with me;

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Amen!"

This parts' my favorite:

"I don't think our school is really pumped up enough for what we 'bout to do Pope, what do you think?"

Pope looks around, "Nah, man, I don't think they are."

"Ya think they needa turn up?"

"Ya man, y'all needa turn up!" We cuff our ears showing we can't hear them, the start yelling and shouting, and stomping and it makes me feel so good.

I lay my arm over Pope's shoulder, and we make the tightest circle we can with forty-five players, and shout into the microphone, "I!"

The students repeat.

"I believe!"

They repeat louder.

"I believe that we!"

The raise their hands and repeat again.

And we start jumping, "I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win!"

We keep stomping and jumping until we've made a line. "Crusaders, let me hear your battle cry!"

I literally feel the ground shake as all of the students, faculty, and whoever else was there yell.

Jessica O'Lauryn

I watch, in awe, as Nani gets the whole student body on their feet as she chants and jumps and whatever else she's doing. We cheerleaders are sitting on the floor, all of us in the same way, four on each side (four sides, you do the math if you want but I have done enough for the day.) I didn't know the words to any of the chants, so I just smiled and moved my lips when everyone else did. I've gotten good at that, being a cheerleader and all... The enthusiasm of this school makes me happy, like, wow. I grin as the pep rally comes to an end, around six minutes before the final bell.

My fellow cheerleaders start to stand up, so I do too, Hallie walks over to me, smiling, it's a forced smile. "Take the damn jersey off." She growls.

Nani watches us from a distance, help, I plead with my eyes, but she shakes her head. She's leaning against the far side door with her hood up, probably a pre-game tradition or something. So sexy, I think as I turn back to Hallie.

I get the nerve to stand straighter; maybe Nani wants to see me prove myself, "Why? It's not your number anymore, its' anyone's. And I like this number, a lot. So shut up, and do what you do best." The cheerleaders around us gasp, and do that stereotypical hand-over-the-mouth thing and start to whisper and shit, but honestly, I don't care right now.

She moves in closer, for the kill, "Are we still talking about the number?"

I hold my breath, and then slowly, carefully, let it out. "I barely know your ex," I hiss, "So, yes, Hallie, I am still talking about my number." I flip my hair and walk off.

In the corner of my eye, I see Nani smile, and start walking towards me. I smile, I've passed the test. "Well, then," I hear her scoff behind me; she sounds pleased, but irritated. "Hey, um, I heard about..." She trails off, obviously not knowing how to say whatever she needed to say.

I stop, and place my hand on her chest, so she stops too, "Go ahead."

A look of concern flashes across her face, "Heard about your brother," she frowns, "if you ever get the chance to talk to him, tell him thanks and keep safe for me, okay?" Nani watches me for a couple seconds, her hazel eyes intruding onto my front lawn.

"Yeah...will do." I try not to cry, but just thinking about him over there, fighting, for what, oil? I almost blurt out. "Um, you have to get to your meeting, and I have to set up." I look into her eyes, "So I'll see you... when can I see you?"

"Every time they get the ball." She smiles clownishly, winks and walks in the other direction, towards the football field.

The Perfect Game (GxG) (cliffhanger/completed)Where stories live. Discover now