Nine: Déjà vu

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Nani Cazetti

"It's happening again," I say to the girls locker room wall, but mom was there just a second ago. "Mom?" I call out, hoping she comes back, it's lunch time and I've wasted about twenty minutes of the forty we're allotted.

"Cazetti?" That's not mom.

A girl in purple basketball shorts and a white t-shirt comes into my view, then she changes to mom, and then back again.

Oh no, no, no. This can't happen again.

"Dude, are you okay?" Her voice is far away, but the girl is right next to me, sitting me down on one of the benches.

I can see mom out the corner of my eye off to my right, "go away!" I scream in her direction, but she's no longer there, "you're dead, go away!" I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks and I don't recall starting to cry.

The girl is on her cell phone now, talking quickly in a language I can't comprehend. Her hand is squarely on my chest holding me against the wall.

This has happened before. When did this happen before? Why can't I remember?

Mom is next to me now, stroking my cheek, but I can't feel it. "Nani," I don't know who is speaking because my moms lips are moving, but it's not her voice.

"Nani!" It's Hallie. Out of all people, had to be her. She's shaking me, trying to get me to look at her, this has happened before. I look up to see Ty, Ryder and a few other teammates watching me carefully. There's less than there was last time. I remember that much.

"She can't be alone tonight, she'll do what she did last time." Ryder is talking to Ty, but someone else's voice speaks up, a females this time.

"She's not alone at home," it's mom, but no one else hears it.

"Go away! Leave me alone! Please, just go away!" I'm screaming at her, but she's replaced by Hallie, and I don't know if I mean it to both of them or not.

"Hun- babe-" I'm pushing her away, and she keeps coming back, "Nani, baby, stop, it's me, Hallie." She has a tight grip on my hands and I don't know what to do so I start squirming trying to get out.

Mom is standing behind Ryder looking confused and sad.

"Help me Ty, we need to get her out of here."

"And go where? She's gunna see her mom regardless."

A loud banging noise comes from across the room.

Jessica O'Lauryn

-A little earlier-

Sam gets a call from Ryder as I'm about to order a shake, "Hey baby,"

Frantic speaking, "Shit." She grabs my arm and pulls me out the door frantically unlocking her car, "yeah, we're coming back." I can hear Hallie in the background, gross, yelling at someone who's screaming. I can also hear Ryder talking from the other side of the line. "No. Don't let her out of your sight." She says a quick love you and hangs up as she rips out of the parking lot and cuts off a semi truck.

Watching her face, I can tell something is wrong.

Duh, Jess.

Terribly wrong. "What- uh- happened?" I'm glancing periodically down the road, she's definitely going over the speed limit.

Soon enough, she's driving over the sidewalk to get to the back of the school, near the pillars. She rushes into the locker rooms and I quickly follow.

Nani Cazetti

"What'd it take last time?" Ty questions Hallie, who bites her bottom lip and obviously ignores the question, then smirks and winks at me.

It took a few hours last time.

Someone is pushing my teammates out of the way. She's wearing a pleated skirt, I think it's Sam, but I'm not sure. "Hallie, your boy toy is looking for you, I got it from here." She gives Hallie a look, and Hallie nods, pushing herself off me.

"Wasn't responding to me anyway," I hear her voice say sadly. I watch her leave, and my vision is quickly blocked by Sam and Jess.

"Nani," Jess has such a lovely voice.

"Hey, Cazetti, remember last year? This is like last year, she's not here, it's okay. We've got you, Cazetti, we're here. She's not. Come on, let's get lunch."

Food sounds good, I start to stand up, nodding in agreement, but someone pushes me back, "no, honey, I know you want to stay here with your mom! Don't you want to stay with me?"

"No!" I shout, every one stares at me, Sam's face is heartbreaking, Jess looks scared, and everyone else looks like they just want a Big Mac. "I mean. Um. Yeah, uh, food sounds good."

I stand up with the help of Jess, her hand firmly gripping mine, she leans up and whispers in my ear. "I'll pay. You can pay me back later." She winks, giving a small smile.

Déjà vu. 

(Hey guys, this chapter is short, I Know, and I'm sorry, but what'd ya think??? Vote, comment, anything! Give me feed back. Did you like it? Hate it? Let me know!! <3 )

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