Eight: Relapse

406 21 10

Jessica O'Lauryn

Tuesday. I hate Tuesday's.

Glancing over to the clock I realize if I don't hurry I'll be late. And after yesterday, late probably isn't the best idea. I push the covers off slowly, trying not to disturb Velveito at the bottom of my bed.

My phone is buzzing repeatedly, "shut up," I growl in its direction. Velveito pokes his head up and meows softly, as if to say what the hell man.

"Feelin' what you puttin' down, Velveito." He glares at me as I stalk over, still in yesterday's clothes. No socks. Smiling, I scoop him out of the bed and kiss his cold little nose. "I love you."


I roll my eyes, "whatever, I do too." Gently putting him on the floor, my phone goes off twice more, rolling my eyes I smile. I know who it is and she can wait. Quickly stripping down I walk to my closet, not as walk in-ish as before, but its bigger, and in the eyes of Sharpay bigger is better.

Oh, God, I didn't just do that...

I find a cute pullover and a pair of tight jeans, check myself out in the mirror, yeah I'm cute.

Meeeoow, Velveito mews from behind me, as if to say, yeah, sure. I swear this cat can read my mind sometimes.

Taking the keys from my dresser, I kiss Velveito goodbye and shoulder my backpack.


"What personal qualities make leaders more or less effective?" Mr. Clinton, no relation to anyone famous, introduces the next topic of this weeks absolutely mind numbing topic of leadership. "Are these the same qualities that make them desirable to followers?" He's writing the question down on the white board in red ink that glares a tiny bit from the sunlight streaming in from the window that is inconveniently placed across from it. "Fabricate a two page synthesis by tomorrow morning."

I sigh in relief, tonight is going to be a breeze, Adrain has like a million of those at home on his computer.

Clinton looks up over his nerdy glasses, "Handwritten."

I can literally feel the cramps starting to form in my hands. Some kid that sits next to me make a pitiful whimpering noise and I am immediately annoyed. Like, you're not a dog. I glance over, it's one of Sams' friends, I think, his pitch black hair is pinned down by a RVCA flat bill hat and his shirt is a little too big for his body. He doesn't look like someone Sam would hang out with but who am I to judge?

"This shit is ridiculous," he says rolling his eyes, "like who has the time to write a two page essay-"

"It's a synopsis," comes a voice from in front of me, seriously, this is why I don't look at people in class. They talk.

"We have to write more than two paragraphs. It's a flippin' essay, Cassandra."

Oh jeez, get me out of here...

The extent of class was filled with Beethoven and the ominous scratching of pencil to paper.

And Cassandra's and her argumentative boy toy's hushed voices.

In short, I stared at two pieces of paper for an hour and ten minutes.

Stepping through the door, I am blinded by sunshine (rare) and then something hard is jammed into my stomach, assuming freshman with books in his hands I immediately put my hand up to block the sun and almost say watch it.

"Hey, sorry," it's Ryder, "kinda didn't expect you to be there, was hoping for someone else." He's calling from below the small lifted stairs. At my feet is a football. It's bedazzled.

"Yeah, it's fine," picking it up I see that he's walking away, "Ryder," he turns around, "you're football?"

He shakes his head, "just toss it in the class for me." I roll my eyes and toss it behind me, accidentally knocking over a few tri fold projects.

I hurriedly escape. Rushing past the outside entrance to the locker rooms I see Sam on her way to lunch. "Sam!"

"Hey," she smiles that heart warming smile and wraps her arm around my neck, "so how was yesterday?" Wiggling her eyebrows and giving me a goofy smile Sam pulls out a protein bar from her cheer bag with the other hand.

I shake her off and give a shy smile. Wasn't exactly what I expected. "It was...interesting." I nod, agreeing with my words. "We watched The Breakfast Club," I lie, smiling.

Sam is shaking her head, pulling open the door to her Mazda, "Nani Cazetti does not just watch movies." She motions for me to get in while clearing the front seat of Pom Poms and a away field cheer uniform.

I open the door trying to figure out if Sam knowing that fact is an okay fact to have as a girl. Does that mean she's watched a lot of movies with other girls? How does Sam know what she does during movies? Did Cazetti and Sam-? Omygod, Jess, listen to yourself. I open the door and slide in, dropping my backpack on the floor between my legs. The inside of the car is pretty tricked out, new radio system, stereo system, the works. Sam is in ADV Automotive class and her friends help her fix it up, I hear she's getting a bike rack soon.

"So," Sam pulls out of the parking spot, the engine as soft as Velveito's purr. "Hallie got a boyfriend."

I almost choke on the scented air I'm breathing in. "Ew, why." Sam gives me a look, "okay sorry, but I thought she was all PO'd about Cazetti and I?"

"So you guys are dating?" She socks my arm with her clutch hand, "I knew it!" She yells grinning from ear to ear. "Hold on, Siri play Driving playlist."

"Ok, playing." Siri speaks back, I can almost sense a sigh in her voice. I'm guessing we're headed to Jack n' the Box. Because she turns left instead of right. There's not much traffic at 1135, and I love being able to see what it's like without traffic.

"So, I have a question that's been bugging me for a while," I say over Stereo by MGK, I wouldn't know if it weren't for the song title and artist constantly flashing across the radio screen.

"What's up," she's pulling into the parking lot of Jack. My stomach growls furiously, I didn't even know I was hungry. Maybe I'm hangry.

"Um, how'd you get your limp?" I'm watching her face, perfectly tanned and beautiful, I frown internally wishing she was gay.

Her face falls for a fraction of a second. "In short, I was born with it. But sophomore year, when I transferred from Western to here, Hallie dropped me in the middle of a practice and made it worse." She's trying to smile, I can tell, and it's painful.

"Why?" I'm glancing over the menu, the munchie meal sounds amazing.

"Cazetti. Why else?"

My stomach is in my throat.

(ITS FINISHED!!! How did you guys like it??? Please comment or vote or whatever!!Thanks :)....okay im done.. bye :D )

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