And lastly, Mikah and the red head stood in the center of a circle of four skeletal wights.

Harley scoured the battlefield once more. She was certain there had been four crows, not three.

The pain in her shoulder was unbearable. The cold air made it ache even worse. She knew she had to apply pressure to stop the bleeding and so she held down on it with her palm. Harley howled in pain. She could feel her pulse pounding in her wound.

She attempted to get to her feet, she wanted to find Farlan and make sure he was alright.

But somebody kept her on the ground by pressing a knife to her neck.
The iron blade was cool on her clammy skin. Her shoulder throbbed.

"Where is she?" a voice hissed in her ear, "where the fuck is she?" Harley felt his hot breath on her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. He smelt musky and sweaty, and she could tell he was very unclean, "is she still alive?" he breathed.

Harley swallowed in fear, her throat was tight, and she felt as though she was choking on her own words, "where is - where is who? I don't -"

"Jaelyn. Where the fuck is she?!"

Harley was shocked into a silence. Jaelyn, she thought, what the fuck have you done now.

He pressed the knife harder against her neck, "fucking tell me!" he shrieked. He came around so that he was crouched in-front of her. His eyes were a shocking blue, and he was incredibly thin. Even his fingers were bones with not even a shred of fat on them.
Harley recognised him as the fourth crow.

"I - she-"

Everything went blurry, she could feel the sharpness of the iron blade threatening to rip into her skin.

And then, it was gone. For several moments, everything appeared white. Then suddenly, red.
Blood poured down her collarbone and seeped into her thick furs, staining them, turning them a vivid red colour. Harley fell to the ground.

She could hear shouting from above where she lay. Erik was standing by her side. Her neck ached. She closed her eyes.

I'm ready to die.

However, moments later Harley felt a pair of hands grasp onto her garments and hoist her up into a sitting position.

She stared into a pair of deep brown eyes.
The man, with closer inspection, had a pale, almost-white face, and scruffy eyebrows. His red beard was spiky and he had a small round nose and thin lips.

"You're okay," he was crouched so that he could speak directly at Harley's face, "don't worry, I stopped him."
The man looked very grave as he essentially told Harley she was going to live.

He got back up to his feet, and strolled toward the thin man, that lay sprawled across the ground.

"Beck - Beck - I wasn't going to hurt her - I swear I wasn't - you know me!" the thin man called out.

The red head, who Harley guessed was named Beck, held out a hand for his crow friend. When he reached up to grab it, Beck pulled the man towards him and smacked him square in the jaw. Beck then turned back toward the other two crows.

Harley heard Gregor and Mikah mumbling behind her. Erik remained standing by her side. She felt drowsy, and faint, but she could make out what they were saying clearly, as though they were speaking their words to her.

"We can't trust them now, not after they tried to kill Harley."
"But that was just one of them, the red head saved her life, he stopped his friend-"
"It could've been planned, he saves one of us, we trust him."
"Yeah the ginger might be playing us all."
"But what would 'e gain from that?"
"He might've been sent 'ere to kill Mance!"

Harley coughed and spluttered. She felt a hand on her good shoulder and heard a crunch in the snow as somebody knelt down beside her.
"Farlan's okay Harls, he's gunna be okay, and so are you."

Oliver must have shown up sometime when Harley was down. She smiled slightly at the familiar sound of his voice.

"The crow cut your neck, but not deep enough for it to be fatal."
She could feel him applying something cool to the gash on her neck and then he rubbed it into her shoulder wound. It stung and she yelled out in absolute agony.

Everything blurred.
Harley watched drowsily as a man she assumed to be Erik, due to his size, sauntered over to the three standing crows and roughly pushed each of them toward the rest of their group.
She watched as he went back for the thin man. She watched as he picked him up by the neck, and looked up at his face, wanting to see the life drain out of him. She watched as Erik was hastily stopped by two others, one of whom held Erik back and the other took the thin, weak crow toward the rest of the group in a hurry.

Harley's eyelids drooped.
Jaelyn, she thought.
"Jaelyn," she croaked, before blacking out.

Episode one: A Cold Whisper {Game of Thrones} (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora