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De'Andre's P.O.V

"Dre are you kidding me? Another kid?" he looked like a deer caught in headlight. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face.

"Angel chill out yo, I know we can do it. Our biggest prob would be Bentley and you know it. Before you even ask, Yes! We can afford a next kid and the new house. Don't you wanna experience caring for a baby?" I asked him while straddling him trying my best to get him to agree.

"Dreeeee I don't know babe. Where will we get this baby? Are you up to handling a crying baby and changing dirty diapers and waking up to feed a cranky baby? I mean, look how cranky Bent gets."

"Yeah we can and Bent is only cranky when he wants to be cuddled by is daddies and when Emilio or Gabe fucks with his medz. We can adopt again" I justified.

"Dre fine we can do it" he said smiling and I kissed him. We spent the rest of the night talking about getting all these plans started until Angel fell asleep with his head on my chest.

I woke up to bae making breakfast for the boys and then we both took them all to school except Bent who was not in the mood for his day care and was stuck on Angel. We met up with realtor ti=o check out houses and we spent most of the day looking.

"Angel I am tired yo, can we continue on Saturday?" I begged and I knew to shut it by the look I got from bae.

"A nigga can't never get no sleep" I whispered but he heard me.

"Boy you better stop because you were pumped about this last night and I am pumped about it right now"

We finally reached the last house with the realtor and I gotta say that I was feelin' it and Angel was too as well cuz he was smiling big.

"Bae you seem quite happy, is it the house?" I asked

"Yeah I love it Dre; it has a big backyard and the kitchen is to die for. I think we should put in an offer on this one babe" he said. We told the realtor that we wanted it; it was a five bedroom four and half bathroom house. It was just outside the city so we had the pleasure of silence.

The realtor told us that we will have to wait until the next day to see if they will accept the offer we made. We went to have lunch and bae was lookin' at me and smilin and I knew I made him happy. I got up from my seat and took the seat beside him.

"Why you smilin so much?" I was sounding all husky and shit cuz just lookin' at him made me horny.

"De'Andre you just made me happy and I am even happier you are here with me. We are about to own our first home together" he said.

I leaned over and kissed him "I love you babe and you deserve the world"

"I love you too Dre" he responded.

We spent the rest of the day at the park where we met. We was sittin' under what I call our tree where we found the boy just lazing around. We picked up the boys from school and went home. I was making dinner because Angel was helpin' the boys with homework and Gabe had a little attitude problem. Ever since the incident he has been acting out and while I understand that he went through something. I understood he felt some kinda way but he knows he can talk to us or even his uncle or grandfathers. I ain't about that disrespectful shit.

"Yo Gabe cut the shit out and drop that attitude now! If you wanna keep them gadgets your dad and I got you then you better start showing respect like you used to." I told him and he was looking at me as if he wanted to say something.

"Gabe you know we love you and you can talk to us about anything that is going on. Right?" Angel asked and he nodded his head. I was done with dinner and we sat at the table eating.

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