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I opened my eyes, the light above me was extremely bright and my vision was blurry. My head was pounding and my ears rang so loud it was as if two flute players were playing a loud tune in them. After a few seconds my vision focused and the ringing stopped, but the headache remained. I looked to my right and seen two empty beds with sheets as white as snow. I looked to my left and saw a closed door with a red plus sign on it, was I in a hospital? I sat up feeling weak and frail, from this angle I could see that each bed had a little small chair by them along with a really small table with all types of medication on it.

Whats going on? Why am I in a hospital? Suddenly the earth shook, it was as if a meteor had hit. I flew up into the air along with everything that wasn't attached to the floor, I hit the floor with a thump. But for some reason there was no pain, counfused and dazed I slowly got back up to my feet. I could clearly hear people outside screaming and running around. If this was an earthquake, there was no way I was going to stay in this building. I was still a little unsteady but I made my way to the door, when I opened it people were running around screaming and yelling "THEY BORDED, RUN RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" one man screamed as he ran down the hall. Borded? Like boarding a boat?

Suddenly on the other end of the hall a ball of fire blew up out of no where throwing any unlucky person around the explosion into the walls. What the heck is this a terriost attack? I stood there to shocked to move as I watched something walk thourgh all the carnage. It was at least 6ft tall, was wearing some sort of white and blue metallic armor all over its body and had a visor on its face. But that wasn't what scared me, the fact it was holding a gun as big as a.... Big as a.... Well to be honest I was to scared to think of something that big but I was sure that thing caused the explosion. I couldn't see its face thourgh the dark visor but I was sure it was looking at me

It took aim at me, was I about to die? Suddenly out of pure instinct I leaped to the far end of the hall. I heard and felt the fire as I tried to dodge the explosion, I hit the wall hard but again no pain. I looked and seen that the armored beast had lowered its weapon a little and took a step back. It looked.... Scared? This was my chance to run, but again out of instinct I ran towards the enemy and threw my fist at it with all my might. The monster didn't notice what was happening till it was to late. My fist connected with its visor CRACK! . The visor broke and my fist pushed thourgh, the force of the impact pushed it back and its head ripped off of its neck and flew back.

The disembodied head hit the wall behind so hard it created a hole and hung there on the wall like an ornament. The body fell to the ground with a thud, again I stood still shocked. Did I just kill that thing in one blow, I looked at my fist and seen that it was perfectly fine, it wasn't even bleeding. Whats going on? The earth had shook again and I ended up flying up so high I hit my head against the roof and fell back down on the hard metallic floor. Whatever was going on I had to get out of here, I got to my feet and started running down the hall in the same direction those people from earlier were running.

I picked up speed, lots of speed, I was running so fast that everything around me was starting to look blurry. I sped thourgh the halls with ease and knew just where to turn, it was as if I already knew this place. As I kept running I was trying to think of how I ended up here. But nothing came up, the last thing I could remember was going home from school and going to bed. Suddenly as I was turning the corner of the hall something that was moving just as fast as I was bumped into me. The collision sent me falling down onto my back with a thump and my headache intensified. I laid there on the floor to hurt to focus on anything. "Oh my gosh captain, are you okay I didn't mean to hurt you" I heard a voice say in front of me.

I tried to focus on who was it that was talking to me, it was a girl with long red hair, and her eyes were..... Purple? She was wearing a T-shirt some long jean pants and hiking boots. When my headache subsided a little I tried getting on my feet but she pushed me back down "don't get up to fast, you don't want to bring any damage to your sensitive brain". Sensitive brain? This has been a very confusing day for me "where am I?" I asked "your on the ship, but we're being borded by the enemy, are you okay to fight?". I was about to ask another question when something bright blue and very hot flew by and melted a hole in the wall behind me. When I looked down at the direction where it came from there were about five of those metallic monsters, all carrying some sort of white and blue gun. The girl than turned towards them, than her hands started to glow blue. No wait a second, she was wearing some sort of metallic gloves, they were gauntlets. "Stay behind me captain, I'll protect you".

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