Did I just say that?

Yes. And I don't regret it.

"What are you doing?" I asked Mom as she wiped her red eyes. She was just kind of standing in front of me and Hunter like she expected us to get up and follow her.

She pursed her lips. "I don't have time for this. Will both of you get up so we can drive home?"

I moved to stand up but Hunter tugged on my arm.

"I'm staying." He said motionlessly.

Mom rolled her eyes. "Listen, Chris may put up with your crap but not me. Get up now."


"Hunter, now."

"I'm not fucking getting up! I'm waiting here for my Dad to wake up, you bitch!"

We all seemed to be absolutley shocked by those words, even Hunter and they came out of his mouth. Hunter...just said that Chris was his Dad? I never expected to hear that, and clearly, neither did Mom. She seemed more surprised than anyone at his words, and this clearly meant that Hunter had won the fight.

She glared at me. "I take it you're staying as well?"

"Yeah." I murmured.

"Fine. But you're not staying for the night again, got it?"


Mom reached into her pocket, grabbed her purse and pulled out some money. She handed it to me, probably to get food or drink from the vending machine, and then she simply left. Was it me or were me and Hunter more upset about Chris?

I slowly turned to Hunter, but didn't speak my mind. I knew he probably didn't want to talk about how he called Chris his Dad, so I was careful not to bring it up.

"Are you ok?"

He took in a deep breath. "Can I get some of the money? I wanna get a drink?"

He sounded way to calm to be ok. But I could take a hint that he didn't want to speak about it.

So instead, I gave Hunter one of the 5 dollar bills and offered him a weak smile.


He pulled away from me and then walked off...just like that.

After about a half hour, I started to worry. Where was Hunter? Was he ok? Had he fallen down a slight of stairs? Tripped over and crashed into the window where he fell to sudden death? Gott crushed by the vending machine?

All of those horrible thoughts were driving me crazy, so I stood up from the couch and started wandering aroud. In the space of 10 minutes I had been to every vending machine in the hospital and there must have been about 20. After that, I went to check the room Chris was staying in but wasn't aloud in and was told that Hunter wasn't there.

Where the hell was he?

I finally decided to go outside. It was raining, the thunder and lightening was violent but that just proved how much I needed to find that boy. Cyprus was so unbelievabley warm, but damn could it throw some storms.

Within 5 minutes of standing outside, I was absolutley drenched. *Thanks rain.* I started wandering around the customer parking lot and no luck there. So then I headed around the back of the building and no luck there either. I almost turned to giving up, but then I saw a dark figure slumped down in the shelters.

I knew that it was Hunter at once. Mainly because I knew that Hunter was wearing black skinny jeans and a black hoodie...but still, I'd found him. Breathing a sigh of relief, I headed over to the bike shelter but then, I sighed almost dramatically.

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