Chapter 20- Love Me Back To Life

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Zayn was surprised that he was handling his break-up quite well; all thanks to cheeky, dreamy, hot Dr. Chris Hemsworth. Chris, as he insisted Zayn calling him that, was nothing like Freddie. He was funny, outspoken, sweet, has an Australian accent (which he purposely made it thick to woo Zayn), super tall and bulky and smelled like cleaning chemicals. He treasured their small talk over a cup of really disgusting coffee in the hospital's cafeteria, where they talked like they owned the cafeteria, loud like they were drunk but occasional whispers when Chris made a dirty joke. One of it was the origin of the word menopause, which he told Zayn that it was created by an old man that told his friends that his old cranky wife has stopped/paused her liking towards men, thus the word 'men-o-pause'. It was lame, and bad, but to Zayn, it was funny as hell, being gay and all. They exchanged phone numbers before parting, which Chris sent him a small cute text saying; “Missing you already”, the moment Zayn was out of his sight. Zayn tried to convince himself that he wasn't treating Chris like he was some sort of rebound or something, because it was a coincidence that Chris showed up in his life right after he had a break-up; he didn't go out looking for him, nor did he had the intention of flirting with someone else right after a break-up. But it didn't matter though, because Chris was helping him forget about his God-awful ex-boyfriend/teacher. They would text each other during the day, and late-night phone calls till the early mornings, making Zayn and Chris himself late for school and work respectively.

It was last night when Chris had asked Zayn out on a date, which his mouth responded a quick yes before his brain could comprehend what was happening. But somehow, he had no regrets. In fact, he was really looking forward to his date with Chris after school. Freddie can suck his own balls if he has a problem with it. But his stomach turned into a blender as he walked towards the Biology lab, his friends making stupid jokes around him.

“You seemed a bit off Malik,” One of his friend, Issac, slung his arms over Zayn's shoulder. Issac is tall build bloke from the lacrosse team, he wasn't really popular, but then again, he hated attention to begin with. “Anything on that pretty little head?”

“N-Nothing,” Zayn stuttered out, trying to look confident as he stepped into the Biology lab. But all his confidence flew out the window once his eyes met with Mr. Freddie Stroma's figure, standing in front of the white board.

“Are you sure?”

“Yea,..yeah,” He replied, tearing his eyes away from Mr. Stroma, just at the exact moment Mr. Stroma's eyes landed on him. “Lets just get this stupid class over with yeah?”

“What?” Issac asked incredulously as they took their seat next to each other “I thought you love Biology,”

“Correction,” Zayn replied, anger burning in his heart when he heard the word 'love'. He dares himself to lock eyes with Mr. Stroma as he said “I used to love Biology,”

Throughout the class, Zayn paid no attention to what Mr. Stroma was teaching in front, instead, he doodled in his textbook, and from time to time he would lean over to Issac to whisper another joke that Chris had sent him. Mr. Stroma was boiling on the inside, but he didn't want to call Zayn out because he didn't, and couldn't separate business from pleasure at the moment. He knew that Zayn was doing this just form the sake of getting up his nerves, and somehow, he should have seen it coming. But Zayn really hit a nerve when he whispered to Mr. Issac Lahey's ear's too close for comfort. He could practically see Zayn's lips brushing against Issac's ear. Just seconds before the bell rang, he roared;

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