Chapter 4: The Haunting Visage of Vyn Lon

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"I really didn't need to know that," said Olivia as she dropped a variety of packaged cheeses into a cart.

"Just saying, you can use paper towels for almost—whoa hold up, what the hell is this?" Sam grabbed a brick of extra sharp cheddar.

"That's the one you wanted, right?"

"Did I say I wanted reduced fat?"

"It's not reduced fat."

"Oh no, what's this say?" Sam pointed to a very thin blue banner near the end of the package. Looking closely, Olivia could read the text printed on it.

"Oh, I didn't even see that."

"Of course you didn't, they make that shit small on purpose so you buy the wrong kind." Sam angrily stuck the offending cheese back on the shelf and grabbed the correct one. "And they do that because nobody in their right mind ever buys low-fat cheese. If you're eating cheese, then you want fat. Making it low-fat defeats the point of it being cheese!"

"I guess so," shrugged Olivia as Sam started shoving her cart towards the bread aisle.

"Why does Eric even get a list? He doesn't even live at the firehouse. And what the hell is this?" Sam pointed to an item on the list.

"Mana, low, chalk, Mack, something. I can't read his handwriting."

"Me neither, so I guess we're skipping that, he'll live." Sam halted her cart in front of several shelves packed with bread. "Wonder bread, Sarah Lee raisin bread, and Arnold's seedless rye."

"Got it." Olivia started her search.

"So what are you doing later?" asked Sam.

"Probably practicing with my guitar while I stare at a screen waiting for nothing to happen, again. I'm still stuck on monitor duty. Daryl's not happy about me telling that reporter that Angela was our a newest member."

"Yeah, well, you're not exactly making his job easier. You take a demon out shopping, get caught, then you tell the press she's one of us when she gets spotted a second time."

"That reporter cornered me; I panicked. Washington told me to say that if she was seen again. Isn't she kinda one of us now? We wouldn't have caught Mary Misfortune without her."

"It's not about that. It's you saying she works for us being a loaded statement. I don't know how all this hero registration stuff works but Daryl seems to, and it sounds like you caused him all kinds of hell by saying that."

"Well, maybe that's a good thing. It's been almost two months now and—I don't think they have any Arnold's seedless rye."

Sam groaned. "Let me look."

"Let's just get another brand."

"No, I want that brand. If I can't have it, I'd rather get a different bread from that brand," insisted Sam as she started pawing through the shelves. "This is one more reason we should all just do our own shopping. You may be okay with wasting your money on what you didn't want, but I'm not."

"Okay, whatever." Olivia rolled her eyes as Sam started pushing loaves of bread aside to look at the ones in back. "Anyway, the Order still hasn't sent anyone to help Angela and anytime I ask Daryl about it, he says they're busy and she's not a priority. He should be mad at them if anything, not me."

"Look, I know you care about Angie and I get you're annoyed with the Order for blowing us off, but you need to be reasonable about this."

"It wasn't my idea to send her after Mary Misfortune."

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