The Date Design

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"Matsumoto Umi." Kyoko answered slowly, as Kuon smiled a dazzling smile that blinded her instantly.

"Hello Umi-chan, I will be playing Tereto Usui." Kyoko gasped slightly as she realised the meaning of Kuon's words.

Kuon would be playing her love interest and from the partial script she had been reading their relationship was a slow growing love story. Kuon's character is one of the younger sons of a yakuza boss, while Kyoko's father is chief of police. They were both supporting cast the main story being around their fathers and their fight for justice against a group of yakuza who have been breaking not only the law but also the code of brotherhood the yakuza hold. It was a great honour to be asked to play alongside some of the older actors that had been suggested for the leading roles and Kyoko only hoped she would be able to live up to the expectations Ogata was putting on her.

"Erm... Kyoko would you mind if I came in? I just wanted to talk to you about tomorrow." Kyoko who had been standing there with her mouth open suddenly sprang to life once more as she blushed deeply.

"If you just give me a moment I will make myself presentable then you can come in." Kuon couldn't help it as he smiled at Kyoko.

"Well how about I come in and you can still put on your cover up. It's not like I've never seen you wearing less..." he let his words trail off. Kyoko knew he was speaking about their time as the Heel siblings as she cocked her head and her hip and looked at him with annoyance.

"Well Nii-san just because you have a little sister like me doesn't mean you have the rights to go all perv on me." Kuon was shocked by Kyoko's bold statement, but then he saw the twinkle in Kyoko's eyes as she let the door swing open and strode across to her bad and the hanging cover up. He realised it was just proof of how much Kyoko really had grown not only as an actress but as a person. Kuon followed her in at her open invitation and wondered should he shut the door?

Kyoko allowed a little of Setsu to take over as she walked across the room. As soon as she had the cover up on she dropped the character and sitting on her bed she looked back across at the man who held her heart. Kuon was looking at the door with the cutest look of confusion on his face. Kyoko had spoken before she really thought about what she was saying.

"Close the door and take a seat Kuon." as soon as the words where out of her mouth she realised the enormity of her words. OH MY GOD I just asked Kuon into my room and to close the door when we are alone! What will people think of me! God what am I doing? The inner fight in her head ended a few moments later when Kuon seemed to realise something.

"Well I suppose they can't start rumours with the cameras watching us." Kuon said with a smile. He shut the door and walked across the room sitting on the perfectly made bed he knew had been Kanae's. "Lory says they found Kanae's nephew." Kuon commented. He knew Kyoko would know this, but the longer they spoke the longer he would be allowed to stay with Kyoko.

"Yes, It seems there is bullying everywhere." Kuon nodded. Kyoko knew about her past just like she knew about his. Both of them had experienced bullying, even if it had been different. Both knew the pain and hurt it created. "But they had a wonderful day out a few days later and Kanae says he is almost back to his old annoying self." Kuon smiled as Kyoko giggled about Kanae's words. Both of them knew she didn't really mean it, no matter what Kanae said she had learnt to love her family. She would not have left the show before. Now there was no question of where Kanae would have been or not been as the case was.

"I'm glad he was safe." Kyoko nodded and they sat in silence for a few moments, each wrapped in their own thoughts.

"So you wanted to speak with me about tomorrow?" Kyoko asked trying to curb her excitement. Even if she didn't believe herself good enough for Kuon, the thought of a date spent entirely with him in her mind was a once in a lifetime experience.

"Well tomorrow we will be leaving around 8am if that is OK with you. We will be travelling by helicopter, so I hope you're OK with that?"

Kyoko nodded enthusiastically. "I've never been in a helicopter before." Her smile and sparkling eyes warmed Kuon's heart as he smiled back at her, hoping his next words would seal the deal for her approval entirely.

"And we will be spending our entire day at Tokyo Disneyland." Her reaction was simply perfect as her eyes glazed over and flowers seemed to appear.

"REALLY!" she half screamed as she looked at him with eyes he would never forget. He was rendered speechless so just nodded as Kyoko suddenly flung herself half dazed across the room into Kuon's arms

"KYYYYYYYAAAAAAAA!" she squealed as he caught her on his chest pushing him backwards onto the bed with Kyoko above him. He remembered being in this position once before and the memory made his heart race as she hugged him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've always wanted to go there!" she cried as she hugged him close.

It took Kuon all his willpower not to react as he wished to do to Kyoko's behaviour. It would have been so easy to position her to get perfect access to her mouth. To kiss her and hold her. Love her the way she deserved. But Kuon hugged her back and sat up, sitting her next to him on the bed remembering the cameras as he smiled and laughed at her bright red face and neck. Kyoko had just realised what she had done.

"I'mmmm so …. sorry Kuon-sama." she hardly whispered as she looked down at the bed. God what the hell did I do! Kyoko berated herself as a long, strong finger lifted Kyoko's eyes to meet Kuon's

"You never need to apologise for being happy Kyoko." Kuon spoke softly with the most beautiful smile he could give, the ones he only gave to her.

Their eyes were locked on each other and neither could look away. Kuon's thumb on its own accord stroked Kyoko's cheek as she leaned into the caress. The cameras were completely forgotten as both parties decided to throw caution to the wind. It was that very moment when both of them were ready to take the next step that the door opened and in strode Chiori.

"Guess what Tama can do Kyo... Oh sorry!" as soon as she had come she was gone, exiting through the door as fast as light. But the moment was broken as both Kyoko and Kuon looked at the door before looking at each other and smiling, the smile turning into a laugh as they both thought the same thing independently.

Maybe the world is against me?

"Well I had better let you get some sleep so that you're ready for our long day tomorrow." Kyoko smiled and nodded.

"Yes you had better." they both stood and Kyoko walked Kuon to the door. "Good night Kuon." she said as he exited.

He turned and smiled softly at her. "Good night Kyoko.

With that he was gone. Kyoko smiled sadly at the emptiness his leaving left behind. Sighing deeply Kyoko turned and returned to her bed. Throwing herself down upon the covers she remembered the feel of Kuon below her. His strong chest and rapid heart beat. He had told her not to apologise, but she doubted he would have been happy about her behaviour. The way he had sat her up on the bed proved that in Kyoko's mind as she lay there. She never meant to fall asleep, but when Chiori returned asleep she was. Chiori smiled as she dragged the covers off Kanae's old bed and covered her friend and senpai.

"I hope he gives you everything you deserve tomorrow." she said brushing Kyoko's hair from her eyes before undressing in the dressing room and jumping into her own bed, Tama curled up at her side. Chiori's last thoughts were of Kyoko's happy expression she would see after her date tomorrow. But the thing is with some people life has other ideas.

When Kyoko woke up the next morning and looked out of the window, nothing could have prepared her for the torrential rain which poured down around the estate. No helicopter would be able to fly in this weather. They wouldn't be able to land for a start. Kyoko's heart fell as she watched the rain through the window. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be and this was the universe's way of telling her this. The hot, sunny days had disappeared into dreary, dismal rain and Kyoko's heart in that moment felt just as grey.

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