"You are my Sunshine"

153 9 59

Written by stormcause

"Come on Mitch!" Jerome laughed, running up the hill. Mitch ran behind him, panting.

"I can't run fast Jerome," he panted. "I'm sick remember?"

"Relax Mitch, you're over that!" Jerome said. "Besides, look at the view!"

The two boys stood beside each other and looked to the sunset. The town below them was quiet and peaceful and there was a slight wind that drove away the heat of the day.

"Apparently tomorrow's gonna be hot," Jerome said softly.

"You wanna go to the pool?" Mitch suggested.

"I was more thinking the beach."

Mitch smiled. "That's a good idea. Meet at my place?"


The two boys headed back down the hills and wandered into the town. Jerome walked Mitch to his door before saying goodbye and going to his own house.

The morning dawned hot and humid, a lovely day for swimming. Jerome packed his towel and put on his swimmers. He ran downstairs and told his parents that he was going to the beach with Mitch before running out the front door. He jogged to Mitch's house. Mitch was standing outside.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready!" Jerome did the goofy smile that he knew Mitch loved.

The two decided to walk to the beach since it was only 10 minutes away. They told jokes and bad puns and laughed their way to the beach. The water was clear and cold, and there were a few small waves. The boys jumped in, laughing and splashing each other with the salty water. Jerome didn't notice the darker patch of water. He didn't see the tentacles that lurked beneath the surface. He didn't see the danger until it was too late.

Mitch screamed as something bit into his leg. He kicked at the thing, hurting his other leg in the process. The thing dropped its grip on Mitch and drifted back out to sea.

"Mitch, are you okay?" Jerome asked panicking.

"Something grabbed my leg and stung it. It really hurts Jerome," Mitch cried. He tried to kick towards the shore but stopped, gasping in pain. Jerome wrapped his arms around Mitch's torso and pulled them both to shore.

Jerome looked at Mitch's legs and gasped in horror. They had red strips on them and they were bleeding. Mitch sobbed, obviously in great pain but trying to hide it.

"We need to get you to hospital," Jerome said. "Can you walk?"

Mitch couldn't, so Jerome picked him up bridal-style and carried him back to the town. Mitch buried his head in Jerome's shoulder to try and block out the sobs that were now audible. Jerome carried him to the hospital as fast as he could, despite the burning in his arms, back and legs. When the doctors saw Mitch, they took him straight to the Emergency Department, telling Jerome to wait outside, despite Jerome insisting that he stay with Mitch.

Jerome was forced to wait outside for an hour, fretting over Mitch. He cursed himself for not looking around and seeing the danger. A nurse came in the room and called Jerome.

"I'll take you to your friend," she said.

She led Jerome through the hospital and showed him a door. Jerome slowly walked inside. Mitch lay on the hospital bed, asleep, hooked up to a heart monitor that beeped regularly. A doctor was in the room and he looked at Jerome sadly.

"You're his friend right?" he asked. Jerome nodded.

"I'm sorry, but he was stung by a box jellyfish," the doctor said. "If he was healthy, he would be fine, but because he was still recovering from a sickness..... we're not sure if he will make it."

Jerome felt his eyes well up with tears as he nodded and walked up to Mitch's side.

"We're still trying to contact his parents," the doctor started saying but stopped when he saw that Jerome wasn't listening. "I'll give you two some privacy." He walked out of the room.

Jerome moved Mitch's hair out of his eyes, tears still building up in his eyes. If only I hadn't suggested that we go to the beach, none of this would have happened. Mitch wouldn't be lying here. It's my fault.

Jerome held Mitch's cold hand as he stood there, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for Mitch's eyes to open and waiting to hear his laugh about how stupid the two were.


The heart monitor signalled the end, and tears ran down Jerome's face.

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