Chicken leg?? Whaaat?!

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When we got to 'HQ' as Levi called it, me, Eren, and Petra all went inside to eat.
I did not like that idea.
"Wait, what if they all stare and shit and try to experiment on me?!" I ask worried for my self being.
"Well beat em up if they do, and they won't because I'm a titan shifter and everyone treats me like a normal person." Eren told me.
"Oh, ok. Thanks." I told him.
We all filed through the wooden doors to a giant room and kitchen with twenty or so tabled with seats included.
As everyone turned and stared.  I folded my ears back and my tail went between my legs.
Oh god. Their judging me. Hooray.
Petra moved a different way to go to another table. I followed behind Eren because it felt the better idea.
Eren sat down and I followed suit.
Sitting right next to Eren, my head hung low and I looked to the ground like an ashamed puppy. I just didn't want to be there.
Everyone stared.
And stared.
And stared.
My tail puffed out in anger and my ears sat strait up.
I jumped up from my seat and my nails turned to claws.
"WOULD YOU STOP STARING AT ME!!!!" I yelled to the people around me.
They all flinched and one that looked like a horse started snickering.
"And what's so funny horse face?" I asked him. He stopped laughing but everyone else did opposite. Laughed their asses off.
He glared at me and rolled his eyes. Earning a smirk from me.
I sat back down and stared at the tray in front of me.
It smelled like chicken.
I started poking it with my claw and leaned towards Eren.
"What's it this?" I side whispered him.
"It's, um, a chicken leg?" He said confused.
I rolled my eyes and looked up at him.
"I've never eaten human food." I stated while looking around the table.
"Oh, well try it. It will probably taste better to you. But there are bones so don't stuff it in your face." Horse face said.
"Ya,Ya, ok. Shut up and eat your hay horse face." I said to him.
I gingerly picked up the leg and nipped at it. I than took a small bite and my eyes went wide as saucers.
"Holy shiz this is good." I whispered and devoured it in 10 seconds flat.
"What's your name horse face?" I asked pointing to him.
"Ok, baldy?" I asked pointing to a boy with grey "hair" sitting I front of a brown haired girl with wavy hair in a high pony tail both stuffing their faces.
"Connie, and the other is Sasha." Eren told me.
"How about the girl that's sending daggers through my soul?" I asked than gulped. Looking at the short black haired Asian. God she scared me.
"Mikasa." She answered with a sweet voice for him.
"Ok. And blondie?" I asked pointing to a small boy with short blonde hair.
Kinda adorable.
"I'm Armin." He said in a small voice.
"Ok. Now that that's done." I said.
"Uuugh, I thought he would forget." I mumbled.
"Nope, he never forgets things like these." Eren said to me as we all walked outside.
"Well, I have an idea. I'll be running as a wolf when he isn't watching and you can ride on my back, and when he looks we all quickly go back to running ourselves." I said to the three.
"Sounds good." Erwin said.
"Alright." Petra and Eren said in union.
"Ready... Set..."

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