I was cut off when Alec grabbed my chin and made me look at him. By the end of what I was saying tears started to come out but when I said the last sentence I sniffed and tried wiping my tears even though they kept coming out but he was smiling like he was the luckiest man on earth.

"Why are you smil-," I was interrupted again when his lips crashed on mine.

I was frozen then I realized what was happening. I then started moving my lips in sync with his and closed my eyes.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer than I already was. Then I put my arms around his neck and tangled my hands in his hair. I could feel the passion radiating off of him as he put all his feelings into the kiss. Our kiss.

The kiss was amazing, the best I've had.

I needed air so I pulled away. We stared in each other's eyes. He wiped the left over tears off of my cheeks. There was suddenly sadness filling his eyes as he stared at me. My eyebrows went together in confusion.

"You need to forget about the kiss....." He said just above a whisper.

"What?" I said and my face fell as I thought maybe I didn't hear him clearly.

"You need to forget about it. I'm not good for you," he said looking down.

I push away from him.

"Your an asshole," I said turning back to my emotionless face.

"Kassy don't be like that..."

"Like what Alec? Dude the audacity of you! I basically pour out my heart to you, YOU kissed ME, and now you're telling me that it was a mistake. What type of bullshit are you on?!" I'm so over this guy and his mixed signals I feel like punching something or in this case someone meaning him.

"Kassy it's not like that."He says as his face turns frustrated.

"Really Alec? Really? Cause it seems like that to me."

I grab my backpack and binder and push him away from the door.

"Oh and if you every even think about trying to talk to me again don't. Maybe i'm doing ya both a favor so that creepy stalker man leaves me alone and doesn't kill your ass," I say with a incredulous laugh escaping my throat.

With that I walk out of the janitors closet and slammed the door, leaving Alec to be pissed off by himself.

"There you are I've been looking for you, it's our free period. Wait woah what happened?" She asked when she got closer I grabbed her and dragged her to the girls restroom.

Once I got in there my stone cold facade fell. I let it out I leaned on the wall and slid onto the floor crying.

"Oh my god! Babe what happened," she said kneeling down.

I explained to her what happened in the closet.

"Oh I'm so sorry babe, he is stupid any way. You need someone as sweet as Travis. Which is why I'm making you go on that date," she said.

"Just the AUDACITY of Alec! You know what your right, I'm not wasting my time and tears on that dick! I'm going on the date!" I said and the bell rang. Anger began to replace my sadness.

I walk out with Cleo following me. The students flood the hallway getting ready for their next class. I walk Cleo to her locker.. We pass Alec making out with Fariah. I laugh because Fariah still has a big bandage on her hand so when she was trying to feel him up it looked really funny. I guess they heard me laughing cause they turned around and looked at me.

"What are you laughing at," Fariah said in her high-pitched voice.

"It must be a little hard to feel him up there," I said trying not to laugh as I pointed to her hand but failed miserably. "I mean I don't know maybe he gets turned on by the feeling of bandages rubbing against his dick."

"Anyway I have a date to say yes to so I'll catch you two later," I said winking at Alec. Alec's fists were balled up.

His knuckles were turning white," woah woah woah there hulk, don't cut off your circulation. Fariah is going to want those fingers inside her and it won't happen if they don't exist," I said putting a piece of gum in my mouth.

Right now I just realized I got my badass back. Because of my anger. The only emotion other than happiness that I let people see. Oddly enough one of my favorite emotions, maybe i'm a sadist.

I smile to myself," Cleo hurry up I'm done talking to the asshole and his wannabe playboy."

"Let's go get you that date," she said dragging me to gym which is our last period that we have with Travis. And weirdly Alec too.

I got dressed out and went to roll call where I saw Travis talking to all of his friends. They saw me but I put a finger up to my mouth and they smirked. I walked slowly and quietly to Travis mimicking a predator stalking its prey. I pounced onto his back, taking him by surprise.

"I would love to go on a date with you," I whisper in his ear with a big smile playing on my lips.

I made eye contact with Alec from across the room as I plant a kiss on the neck of Travis.

It's called Dangerous and I really hope you guys go over to give it a look over :).
I was really contemplating to stop writing this book cause it is not as mature as i would like it to be but i realized how many of you guys like it so i will just be putting it under teen fiction and making my new book at the level i wanted this one. If you want anymore information go check out the new book or even comment on my page I always address comments directed to me <3

Kassy's a badass again, and she has a date. What do you think about the date? Why do you think Alec was a dick?

Love ya,

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