Final Decision

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Lloyd (POV)

I was woken up by a buzzing noise coming from the side of my bed. I've fallen asleep from working and training all day so my whole body at the moment was a bit too sore to move. Though, I somehow managed to summon the energy to move and grab my phone off of the chest beside my bed. I groaned and scanned over my notifications. " One new text message from : Y/n " I mumbled out and immediately sat myself straight up on my bed. " About time! I sent that text like, 8 hours ago! " I mumbled and read her text. " Huh? Art project?.. Well, guess it can't be helped. " I told myself and locked my phone to go tell the rest of the gang. The first person I bumped into was actually Kai. He seemed out of it lately ever since the journal incident. He was resting his chin on his palm, while using the rail on the deck to support his body. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

Kai jumped a little bit in surprise and I laughed in response. " Hey Kai. What's up? " I asked him and joined him on the railing. Kai sighed and lowered his head some. " I just haven't been in the best mood to be all cheerful and stuff. " The fire ninja explained to me. " Huh? But it's almost Christmas already. You should be more happy. " I told him in my childish mind set. He chuckled slightly and gave me a slight sadden smile. " I'm really trying pint size. " Kai said and ruffled my hair. " Hey.. I'm almost as tall as you now, you know. " I told him in my usual whining tone. " Yeah, but you're still shorter than me. " Kai teased and ruffled my hair more. " Okay okay! Go easy on the hair! " I told him and pushed his hand off my head. I looked back up to the red ninja and he gave me a small smile.

" Thanks Lloyd. " Kai suddenly told me. I raised an eyebrow and asked, " Thanks for what? " Kai turned back towards the sky line and leaned onto the railing again. I continued to stare at him and examined his face being lit in the setting orange sun. " Thanks for making me feel better. " Kai explained and I chuckled from his answer. " W-what? " He stuttered and glanced over to me. I leaned onto the railing and said, " You don't have to thank me for something like that. " I told him and smiled. Kai seemed to be quite surprised from that statement and stayed silent. I turned my head to face him again and lowered my smile. " Kai? " I asked him when he didn't say anything. All of a sudden, Kai wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. " K-kai? " I asked again in surprise. " It means more than you think pint size. " He simply said and tighten his hug. At first I was still a bit shock but awkwardly raised my arms to hug the fire ninja back. " S-sure. No problem Kai. That's what brothers do. " I told him and smiled.

Kai didn't respond again and stayed in his hugging position. I got a bit worried again but before I could say anything, Kai let go of his embrace and backed away some. " I'll... I'll catch you later Lloyd. " He simply said and gave me a sadden smile. " Kai?.. What's- " Kai didn't let me ask anything by summoning his dragon and flying away before letting me finish. I watched as he flew away towards the sun but decided to not follow him. " Guess he just needs some time alone.. " I thought and walked towards the piloting room. I opened the door and glanced around. The first person I spotted was Jay fixing some wires and gears. I looked to the left of him and spotted Nya working on the computer. " Hey Nya, Y/n said she won't be able to help us set up till a few hours before the party starts. " I informed the water ninja and walked over to her. Nya immediately turned her head towards me and asked, " What?! Why?! "

I put my hands up to my chest in defense. " She said she had an art project to finish. " I told her and Nya kept an ice cold look towards me. I smiled nervously and Nya went towards the phone. " I guess she's calling Y/n.. " I thought and decided to go back outside to the deck. No one was there so I figured they were either in the training room or the kitchen. I first walked through the kitchen but found no one there. " Hm.. Guess they're in the training room then... Or the gaming room.. " I added remembering that we also had a room just for playing games. As I thought, Zane and Cole were playing games on the tv and currently were battling eachother. " Well... Guess I'll just go to meditating. " I thought and left silently.

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