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Morro (POV)

As her horse trotted back to my cave, i stopped occasionally to pick up a few berries and used the wind to carry fish from the river. I didn't want to try my chances on fishing. Once we got there i placed her down near the camp fire and proceeded to start it again. As i was finally getting it sparking, i noticed that the girl was even more motionless than before. I stopped trying to get the fire started and shook her shoulder. " Hey. " I said trying to see if she was still alive. I heard a small mumble and continued on with the fire. Her horse gave me a small glare but decidedly went back to comforting his owner.

As soon as i got the fire started i went to go dry off the fish. It didn't take long considering my wind was strong enough to topple buildings. I stabbed a few fishes into sticks and placed them near the fire. I don't know why i was doing this, but i thought i should at least be friendly to the local people surrounding the mountains. I didn't want to be a target of more people than i already was. I stood up from my spot by the fire and went to go help the girl, who was now simply sprawled all over the ground.

I picked her up bridal style once again and sat her against one of the cave's walls by the fire. The fire was small but steadily getting bigger and brighter. Her horse came over to where i sat her up and nudged at her feet. " Hopefully she wakes up soon. The less work for me. " I mumbled and her horse once again glared at me. I brushed it off and held my palm to her forehead. " Fever all right. " I said as if i acutally knew what was wrong with her. Her head was indeed burning up and i didn't exactly know how to help her.

I simply stared at her motionless and expressionless face for a awkward 10 seconds before i could see her fingers starting to twitch a bit.

Your (POV)

When you blacked out all you could feel was the coldness of the rain and mist. You could faintly hear the sound of your horse neighing and nibbling at your head. You wanted to get up but you couldn't summon the energy to. You mentally sighed and just gave up on getting up. You could tell you were starting to develop a high fever fast. " Only if i asked to stay longer. " You thought. You could tell the rain was finally starting to get lighter as the raindrops had started to not make as much noise. But that didn't exactly help your situation.

Your whole body felt cold, all except your head that is. It was burning up. Your horse started to pace back and forth but ultimately ended back at nibbling your body. After a few more hours go by, you were barley hanging onto your life span. You were thinking you were gonna die here, alone and cold. All though you did have your horse, so, maybe it wasn't too lonely you kid yourself. As you were thinking that you heard very faint footsteps approaching you.

You tried to lift your head to see who it was but no luck came to you. You felt a hand shake you and a familiar voice say, " Are you alive? ". It was that green guy from earlier. The one who kicked you out. You managed to grumble something inaudible, but it seemed to satisfy the guy. You felt his presence stand up and start to walk away. " Oh great! Now he's just gonna leave me here to die too! " You thought angrily. But then you suddenly heard him say something about " his fault ".

After that statement you felt someone move you up onto your horse and something else press up behind you. You figured the green stranger was trying to help you despite all the other things he already did. As we started to trot somewhere, we stopped a few times to do whatever we did and finally ended up somewhere fully. You couldn't exactly make out where he had taken you but you guessed it was " his cave " he had taken you back to.

You felt him lift you up gently and place you down onto the cold hard ground of the cave. " Wow, thank you for the hospitality. " You thought. At this point however, you still couldn't exactly move, so you had no choice but to lay there in agony. You could hear the man walking towards something and then a gust of air suddenly rushing in. This made you shudder slightly and you tensed up just a bit. You then also hear him doing something else but could hardly make it out.

After a few more moments you felt him carry you up again, in bridal position and you mentally blush to yourself but you couldn't tell if he saw it or not. You felt him lay you against a wall near an open fire. The fire's warmth was starting to make your senses come back, and soon you could feel your hands again. Though, you still couldn't manage to move them. There were a few moments of silence and then you hear a slight mumbling, followed by a hand coming to your forehead.

The hand was rather cold, which actually kinda helped with your fever, but didn't help the rest of your body. You heard him say something else but your mind at the moment just couldn't seem to grasp it. Soon you could twitch your fingers. Gradually you opened your eye lids and lifted your hands to cover them from the blinding fire in front of you. You took a few moments to recollect your thoughts and scan of the area.

You could see you were with the green man again, your horse laying down next to you, a fire with 3 fish cooking, and a clear night sky outside the cave. You looked at the man dazed, but then with shock. " Wait... Didn't you kick me out earlier?- " You coughed at the end of my sentence. You touched your throat in trying to smooth the sudden ache in it but that only made it worse. The man looked at the fire and said, " I... Just didn't want a dead body on the mountain. "

You would of glared at him at that moment, but your face muscles said other wise. " Oh.... Well.. " You started out. " If you want to get well, stop talking. " He said in a rather annoyed tone. You sighed slightly and felt for your horse's mane. Your horse nudged itself to your hand and you started to stroke his mane. You smiled at him slightly and looked back over towards the green man. He kept on looking at the fire, as if he wanted to avoid all eye contact. " This is getting too awkward too fast. " You thought.

After a few more mintues of silence, you thought about breaking the ice. " So... What's your name? " You coughed slightly at the end of the sentence. " I thought i told you not to talk. " He said in a monotone voice. You pouted slightly but did as he told. He looked down towards the ground and then suddenly back to you. " ...It's Morro. " He silently said after a sigh. " Morro...? Such a unique name. " You thought but smiled slighty at him for finally agreeing on telling you something.

" And you are...? " He asked after a few more moments of silence. You smirked at him and quote, " I thought you didn't want me to tal- " You coughed rather harshly on that part. He simply smirked back at you. " It's y/n. " You said weak in slight embarrassment. His smirk went away and he grabbed one of the fish. He stood up and walked to a small hole in the cave. He came back with a few berries and fish. " I'm guessing you haven't ate since you left. It's already pretty late. " He stated as he handed you the items.

" I can barley lift my arms.. Much less chew or swallow things. " You said. He sighed and went to the back of the cave again. This time bringing a small bowl made of rock and walked out of the cave. " Hey- Where are you- " You sneezed this time. He came back after a few mintues with water in the bowl, a couple of lemon grass and seemingly fresh onions.. Somehow. He then started to cut up the onions, grass and fish with his sword and set them in the bowl. He then placed it over the fire to cook.

" The soup should be easier to swallow. " He simply said and sat down across from me again. Now there was just complete silence again, all awkwardness included. You simply stared at your horse and he simply stared at the campfire.

" Thank you. " You whispered.

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