Chapter 1

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Gracie let a soft giggle.

"Mark so cute. And ohhhh look at those arms! Isn't he dreamy?" She muttered.

I laughed. "He's ok I guess..." She groaned " NOBODY'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE OH SO MIGHTY COLETTE!"

Her envy was clear. I don't blame her. Look at me! Mark shoot me a flirty smile from a table away. Gracie shrieked. This world was made for only the superior The cow bell rang signaling only 5 minutes left of lunch until free time. One of my friends May poked my shoulder.

"WHAT?" I said annoyed. She pointed at a girl with her head buried into a book like it held her future. Coming near our table A small grin crept on my face. I quickly whispered to Lula. She than "accidentally" dropped her banana peel. The girl slipped falling to the ground with a thump. Our table laughed in delight. The mousy brown hair blinked in surprise. She quietly sat up and walked away. I smirked. What a fair that Layla Mason.


Uggghhhh. Colette, seriously? We are in '10th grade now, can you please grow up. I quickly dived back into my book as the teacher taught us math. I'm not actually a nerd, I just like to read. And the teachers here sucked. Why would future fair and Ugliest even need education. And this wasn't really a school. It's just a small building with people who just taught us facts. The government only really care if you are beautiful or strong, only then you matter. Technically this is my last day here . Colette was sure to be beautiful and my parents are for sure choosing to go with her to the Beautiful Mansion. I get to move to the Fair house, where I learn to be a "Fair" person. But, when I turn 18, I'll have to move out and start my own family.. To be honest, I'm looking forward to that day I never have to deal with school. As I lost myself to the whimsical tale of "Quimby Shepard: The Diamond Dragon,". How I wish my own knight will save me from a beautiful yet terrifying beast.


After school, Me and my friends were hanging out at the entrance. Gracie groaned. "Do we have to wait for your sister?" "I know right! But, you know my Mom would have a cow" I muttered. "You have a COW?" Lula said. My friends aren't always the brightest bunch but, they are all right. "My mom sometimes still treat me like a little girl! I mean...holding hands while crossing the path? What the heck!" They all nodded. "And I am sure she can go! She's like only few months younger!" I scowled. Then, I heard a quiet voice piped up. "½ a month and 3 days to be exact." We all turned. Behind me was Layla smirking. "Whatever. Let's go." That's right. Layla Mason was actually my sister.........SURPRISE.

As we all walked home we talked about beauty pageant day tomorrow. The day ALL our lives change. For better or worse. Already I knew me and Gracie will in Beautiful! We were especially happy since we were around the same age as the two princes. Perfect for breeding. Oh yes. I will be having sweet dreams tonight!

The clock beeped waking up me and my 17 years old monster call my sister. Her brunette hair looked like a afro. I giggled at the sight of this disaster. I groaned. Why did she had to be my sister. Then, my heart quickened when I realize that today was Beauty Pageant Day.

Ekkkk! I squealed.

I jumped out of my pink colored bed. Pink wallpaper circled my side of the room, with a desk and my drawer full of clothes. My room was slightly messy but not that messy. Layla of course would had said it was a mess, What a neat freak!

When I looked into the mirror and my emerald eyes stared back at me. My blond hair was slightly messy but, not nothing a brush can do.

Layla hair need more than a brush but a lawnmower. Plus, she was still asleep, what a slop. Didn't she realize this was the most important day of my life!?

After,1 hour and1 25 minutes I was dressed and looked fabulous in my opinion With curly hair my only pink gown, gloves and white slippers. On the other hand, Layla just then woke up. Sisters.

She groaned again when she looked at the clock.

"8:00am! Colette why didn't you wake me?!"

Oops a daisy.

I just flashed my beautiful teeth and grabbed my pearl necklace then went downstairs. This was gonna be a perfect day!


"Stupid Colette!" I thought. I looked in the mirror. Ye god! I look like my grandma when she was 80. Then I looked at the calendar. It's Beauty Pageant Day. sighed. The ending of our fair life and a beginning of a new beauty one. The changing moment in our lives. That was Colette thing, not mine.

Beauty Pageant Day is the day where every girl from Insurant get chosen to be Beautiful, Fair or Ugly. It happens every once a year, after you turn 17. Colette turned 17 a month ago. I turned 17 ½ a month ago. To me it wasn't fair. We should be chosen for what's in the inside not the outside. But, I been like since World War III.

I quickly comb and curled my brown hair. I didn't look as gorgeous as my sister but, this will do. I choose a ocean blue dress that fitted me like a glove. I wore my sapphire necklace that matched my dress. I thought about how lucky my family is to have any types of jewelry. I looked decent. With my luck, I might make Fair. I grabbed my favorite book, What Makes me Different. It's absolutely fabulous! I made my bed(and Colette's, her bed is a mess!).Then I rushed down the stair. I wished this day would be over soon, so I can go back to being a fair like I was meant to be! 

A:N WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE? COLETTE OR LAYLA??? Comment. 1st one get a shoutout?

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