Spells Unlocked

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"Honestly you overreacted, Kagome." Hugo was still rubbing his red jaw as we ate dinner.

"I reacted the same way anyone being killed should react! My reaction was perfectly called for and perfectly normal!" I said as I moved the grains of rice from my bowls to my mouth. I didn't even look at him as I spoke, instead I focused on gobbling down my dinner. I was famished.

"For the hundredth time woman, you weren't being killed!" He exclaimed. I looked back over to him, and his face was extremely annoyed. For a moment, I saw things his way, then I remembered the lick of the flames and wanted to punch him again. I wasn't trying to hear anything he was saying.

"It felt so real. I felt so helpless." My thoughts strayed away from me in the heat of the moment.

When I was so sure I was going to be burned alive all I could think about was how much I wished I could see Inuyasha. Now that the gateway to Inuyasha has been opened his very essence flooded every waking thought. I couldn't push him back into the big box I kept him.

"I'm sorry, Kagome. Honest. I didn't think you would take the vision seriously. I thought you already knew about spells especially with the type of powers you have."

"No, I didn't know. That's why I'm on this journey. I need to control my powers before someone gets hurt." 

Someone meaning my friends, my family, Inuyasha,......Hugo? Why was I letting Hugo travel with me with my out of control powers? My palm was tingling ferociously as if waiting to ignite. It was even sweating. It could blow at any moment, taking out everything within a 30 feet radius, including Hugo. So why was I letting him travel with me? It's not safe for him.

"It's not safe for you." I said giving Hugo the most serious face I could manage. He needed to understand the danger of being around me. He needed to understand that I was a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

"They're just spells Kagome. I've been doing them my whole life." Hugo said, completely missing what I was saying.

"No, no, Hugo. Me! I'm not safe for you to be around. At any moment I could slip and hurt you. I don't want that. I couldn't bear it if I hurt you." I could feel tears coming on as I thought about hurting him. How could I hurt him? Not when he was-

Oh! I felt my brain do the calculations and come to the conclusion. That's why I wanted him here. That's why I risked his life every second of the day. He was an excellent distraction. A distraction from all my problems back home and my even bigger problem of my powers.

He distracts me from the thought that I may not be able to go back home. A thought so painful I could feel holes being ripped through my heart. Hugo distracts me from those thoughts. Most importantly he distracts me from Inuyasha, at least when I'm conscious. My dreams are another story. He helped me keep a tight lock on that big box.

I'm a selfish human being. I should tell him to leave. Tell him to run away from me as far as possible and never look back, but looking at him as he tries to argue why he should stay, I couldn't bear him leaving me with the weight of my problems crashing down on me.

"-c'mon Kagome! I can even teach you spells! Kagome? Kagome?! Are you even listening???" Hugo's snapping fingers brought me out of my deep thinking. I stared at him for a second longer before I made my decision.

"Okay." I said, more to myself than to him, but he grew excited anyways.

"Great! We can start training bright and early tomorrow!" Hugo said as he picked up his empty bowl and walked away.

"Wait, what?" Training? What training?

The next day I awoke again completely nightmare free. I felt good and I was, again, hungry enough to eat twelve horses. After breakfast and Hugo's annoying comments on my sudden appetite we went back to the same clearing where Hugo showed me his spells.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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