15. Interlude

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C H A P T E R   F I F T E E N



I intently flipped through news channels, hoping to come across anything about the vigilante– recent sightings, better images, and most of all, theories on who the vigilante could be. Instead of the vigilante, the reporters were focusing on stupid celebrity news and unimportant small stories.

From the coffee table in front of the couch I was lazily slouched on, my cell phone vibrated, rattling against the table. I strongly considered letting it go to voicemail to focus on the news, but when the reporter introduced the next story, the slightly lower health rating of a local Chinese food restaurant, I picked up the cell phone and answered it.

"Tommy. Hey." I greeted, leaning back into the couch and habitually pulling my knee up to my chest. I was dressed in a pair of leggings, an oversized sweatshirt, and a pair of fuzzy socks pulled up over my ankles. My hair was pulled up into a messy bun and I had taken my makeup off. Essentially, I was in for the night.

"Hey, beautiful." He murmured. "Whatcha up to?"

"Just watching the news and scouring the internet to find something on that hood guy. I swear, it's like he doesn't even exist! There's nothing on him!"

"So you're stalking the guy?" Tommy teased.

"I am not stalking him!" I denied. "I'm just... researching him."

Tommy chuckled. "Okay, well, how about you take a break from "researching" and come over."

"Tommy, I can't. The entire Queen clan is home." I explained.

"Come on! It'll be like when we're teenagers, you sneaking out of your parent's house, me anxiously awaiting." He flirted. "I'll behave myself, I swear! We'll order Thai food, watch the new episode of the Walking Dead... maybe do a little cuddling?"

"That sounds great, Tommy. It really does, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to sneak out." I told him and he gave a purposefully loud and obnoxious sigh of disappointment.

"Okay." He said slowly, drawing out his words to emphasize his moping. "Well, then I guess I'll say goodnight." He said. "I love you."


"Police are continuing their hunt for anything that could bring them closer to catching the vigilante they're calling 'the Hood'..."

I perked up. "I gotta go," I said, the words falling quickly out of my mouth before I hung up and tossed my phone onto the table.

"Some are calling him a hero, but the Starling City PD cannot be included in that bunch. Everyone from reporters to fans are looking for ways to contact him and find out who he is–"

"Man, this guy gets more airtime than the Kardashians." I jumped after hearing a voice behind me. I glanced over my shoulder where Oliver was standing behind the couch. I chuckled.

"Five years on an island and you still somehow know who they are," I said, rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"I've been catching up." He responded, walking around the couch to sit next to me. He was dressed in a white, short-sleeved t-shirt and plaid flannel pajama pants. "Anything else in pop culture I missed?"

"Hmm..." I started, looking off dramatically. "Breaking Bad, Matt Smith is the Doctor now, and of course, the Big Bang Theory." I recited.

"Wow. I guess I better start binge watching." He decided.

"Well, if you ever want viewing company, let me know."

"I would love that." He smiled. "You know, that's actually something I thought about a lot when I was on the island."

"Binge watching TV?"

"No. Well, kind of. Just... anything with you. Ice cream, TV shows, holidays... do you remember that time we got asked to leave the zoo?"

I laughed, rolling my head back. "How could I forget? The car got broken into, I got spit on by a giraffe, and you almost fought a gorilla." I was barely even able to finish my sentence since I was laughing too hard.

"Yeah," He chuckled along. "Yeah, I missed all that."

"I look forward to catching up on all that... especially when I'm officially moved back to Starling City." Oliver's face lit up, his lips pulling into a smile.


"I called my landlord in California earlier today and gave him my notice. I'm moving back. I miss Starling City. Plus, I gotta stay updated on this whole "hood" thing." I joked.

"The Hood. Such a lame name." Oliver said, shaking his head.

"Got any better name suggestions to submit?" I played along.

"I don't know. Just something better than the Hood, or the Vigilante."

"How about... Hawkeye?" I mocked.

"We have a winner." He declared, smiling widely.

"But seriously, though. He needs a solid name. One you'd see on the cover of a comic book."

"A comic book? You think this guy is like a superhero?"

"Well, I mean..." I started. "He's this mysterious vigilante that came out of nowhere to swoop in and saved people in peril. He has a signature costume– the green hood– a signature weapon– his bow– and a secret identity. He kind of fits the bill." I described and he attentively followed along.

"At least one person considers him a hero," Oliver said. "I'm sure that'd mean a lot to him."


I woke up slowly, yawning before blinking my eyes open. Sunlight was flooding into the room through the beige drapes framing the windows. Instead of being in the guest room bed, I was on the couch I had been resting on earlier. My shoulder was slumped against Oliver's, my cheek against the sleeve of his t-shirt.

Oliver was still asleep, his head rolled to the side towards mine. I sat up cautiously, careful not to wake him up. Brushing some loose strands of hair out of my face, I leaned forward to grab my cell phone, which was still on the table where I had set it after hanging up with Tommy.

Leaving the couch, I tiptoed towards the opposite side of the room. By the door, there was a fancy coat stand, which was only holding up my leather jacket and purse. I reached into the pocket of my jacket and fished out a card.

I read the numbers carefully as I punched them into my phone and brought it to my ear. The other line answered after just a couple rings.

"Hey! It's Karter Mitchell. I was just wondering... Is that job still available?" 

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