Eleven... It's Nothing Personal

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  * Questions such as why Night asked Melody to choose (left or right), why everyone seemed to be staring at her in the last chapter will be answered here.* Enjoy.



  Those four letters echoed in my head heinously with Nights laugh and coaxed me to run even faster.

  I ran as fast as I could with only one thing on my mind. I needed to escape. I couldn't stand being around this insanity any longer. I just wanted to wake up already, to know this was all really a bad dream.

  I'd taken the only option I had to get away from Night and I half expected him to suddenly appear in front of me and capture me before I was even out of the room. But to my surprise, he hadn't and I didnt waste any time thinking about it. My adrenaline is what jetted me through the long corridor and pass those monstrous drapes without a single look back.

  It took only seconds for me to fly pass the lobby and to the door. During which, I saw Sylas attempt to grab me but immediately stopped at the sound of Nights voice. Cutting through the air like a thousand knives.

  " Let her be."He ordered and I was so stunned by his calm tone that I froze.

  With one hand ready to yank open the door, and the other ready for an attack, I couldn't help but to travel my eyes to where he stood now. Beside the podium, watching me with those blue orbs that were composed and quiet. Waiting.

  Was he really letting me go so easily? I couldn't believe it.

  The anticipation was building up inside, but once I saw that it wasn't a trick to catch me off guard and force my hand to that dreadful contract, I didn't waste another moment. Before I could even think properly of my decision, I had already made the choice and was out the door in a flurry.

  It wasn't until my bare feet  touched the grey stone of the road that I thought about where I should go and then subsequently realizing that my feet were taking me back down the road and towards that alley way. I didn't know what I expected to see or do when I got there, but somehow I just felt anywhere far away from Him was a good idea.  It was instinct that had told me to run before and it seemed like the right choice when the time was presented but now, I couldn't have felt more wrong.

  As I zoomed pass all the peaceful, steady-paced pedestrians like a gold medalist olympus runner, I noticed the amount of attention that was being focused on me with every accidental nudge and platter of my feet. It appeared that as every minute passed more and more eyes turned to glare at me with that same unfathomable, suspicious glint as before. I could feel the tension within them, burning me from every direction like a torch on full blast.

  The wariness and the uncomfortable feeling that was stirring in my chest caused my pace falter. I thought that maybe if I'd stopped running all the attention would go away, but it just seemed to get worse.

  As I walked, I tried to not notice all the eyes and the profound silence that had suddenly hushed over the once lively street...

  Everyone--and I mean everyone-- was gawking at me like I had three eyes. 

  My body became tense and ready. Anticipating something that my mind hadn't caught up to thinking of yet. I was staring directly ahead at my destination, nearly twenty feet away. I swallowed hard, a wave of clammy precipitation creeping onto my forehead as I ambled on... And then, moments after, the very thing my body had been waiting on happened.

  Someone grabbed my arm with a grip just as demanding as the voice that came after it. 

  "What are you?!" A males voice cut into the silence with urgent wonder and was all it took for me to break the hell out of there.

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