Six... A Ton Of Elephants

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  " 'Supposed' ? "I repeated the word slowly with wide eyes. Hoping that it was just one of her small grammar mistakes."Alex weren't you the one who brought me home?"

  I watched her grin widely and then suddenly, she burst into laughter. Bringing about a decent amount of heads to turn in our direction and irritated glares from writers on their laptops. She noticed the attention she'd brought and tried desperately to muffle her giggles with her hand while she waved the other apologetically at them.

  "Alex!"I reached across the table and squeezed her hand, trying to calm her down. Only in the midst of doing that it only frustrated me to see that she was laughing at something that I'd asked in extreme seriousness.

  "I'm... sorry."She gasped between giggles, holding her stomach. It took a while before she completely calmed down. With her breathing still rapid she leaned in. A wide grin on her face. " So how was it? I mean, you're practically glowing like an angel and I bet you got all the sleep you could get." She whispered with eyebrows quirked.

  I pressed my back deep into the red leather cushion of the booth. "What are you talking about?" Well so much for thanking Alex. Had she lost her mind?

  "-- Oh! Don't give me that B.S. The guy that you went home with.You know, the one that you told me about in this note you left behind." At her following words, she reached into her jacket pocket and took out a small folded piece of paper, sliding it soundlessly across the table in front of me. "I found this in the V.I.P room."

  I wouldn't believe it until I saw it.Thinking that obviously this was some kind of joke only the devilish Alex could conjure.

  I hastily grabbed at it. First glaring around to see if anyone was staring and grateful that everyone had all but forgotten us. I unfolded the paper and my eyes widened in bewilderment. I suddenly felt sick.

  Sure enough, in a legible but sloppy intoxicated scrawl, was my handwriting written in pen on the paper. The words wrote:

 ' Alex, thank you so much for this incredible night! I met someone( a really, really attractive guy!) and he's willing to take me home...If you know what I mean.Don't worry about me, I'll be fine! You're the greatest person in the world!See you tomorrow!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo! '

  I looked up from the note and into her eyes, mines as wide as the moon. All of the fear, disgust and embarrassment toppling on top of me like a ton of elephants at once.

  "I thought I was dreaming... All of that was real!?" I half whispered and half shrieked,dropping the note out of my hands as if it were a snake.

 "Why did you think you were dreaming? Was it that good,Mel?" Her eyes bugged. She was so distracted into wanting answers that she hadn't seemed to catch onto my floored expression.

  My thoughts were going berserk. That note was proof that I'd left with someone and it was obvious that that someone was the lurker from the club. And I'd invited him to my house, he took me there and then.... My cheeks flushed. Even though I was highly disoriented, I was completely disgusted and embarrassed with myself that I'd so willing gave into that creep with his freaky touch. My thoughts quickly went fearful as I accumulated and realized the most important thing overall; that strangely, he knew my name, and now if not before, he knew exactly where I lived.

  I'd been so sure that I was either imagining things or dreaming, but now that I knew everything that happened was real, I didn't know if I was in the position to be sitting here drinking coffee with Alex so casually. I needed to tell her that I was being watched. I needed to tell someone now.

  As I thought about all of this Alex waved a hand in my face, now completely attentive and staring at me like I'd lost my mind.

  I grabbed her wrist and she made a face that told that the grip wasn't the slightest bit comfortable. "Did you see him,Alex?!"

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