One... December Twelfth

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 A/N: This is like a Prologue of some sort. Please enjoy. :)


 December, Twelfth.I hated that date so much that all my anger could've manifested it into an actual living, breathing thing.


  On the Twelfth of December I was due to be evicted from my newly(at the time) rented apartment because of financial reasons I couldn't commit to. Forcing me to move back in with my parents and plaguing me to endure their unstable relationship once more. On the Twelfth of December, I was fired from my job that I had high hopes of being promoted to. On the Twelfth of December, the guy I was in-love with,the relationship I held the longest record of being in (six months) ended with no explanation what so ever. Deepening the feeling of the dark abyss that was already trying to consume me. And on the night of December twelfth; I was a nervous wreck, crying my heart out in my old room. Only to later realize that I had trouble falling asleep after that day.


 Call it bad luck, a crazy coincidence, but all I knew was that that day was perhaps one of the worst days of my life. And whenever it came around,I always found myself buried under mountains and mountains of blankets— oh, and my doom of course. Maybe I'm being a little melodramatic...?


 Though I'm nearly in my mid twenties, still living with my parents, unemployed, and — out of four relationships in total— have I had only one successful relationship, that did(Thankfully!) last for more than a week, yet didn't prove to be very successful in the end. Obviously.


 I suppose I was going through some midlife crisis? Only, I wasn't forty years old and


"Oh my gosh! This is making things so much worse." I shouted irritatingly at my best friend, Alex, whose horrible idea to getting over this day was to write all of it out on paper. " Writing out these things only makes me realize how much I hate my life. " I seethed and proceeded to scribble out every line with the red balled pen I held.

  She grabbed my hand before I could do any damage to the notebook and its contents. Effortlessly, pulling the notebook off of my lap with her other hand while her brown eyes glared at me, scolding.

" That's why we burn it later then it'll get rid of the burden. Duh." She stated matter-of-fact-ly. She released my hand and her eyes traveled to the page. " Let me read it."  

  " No! " I snatched the book out of her hands so fast it was all a blur, and clenched it so close to my chest I heard some of the pages crumple inside.

  Her eyes were wide as she took in my guarded stance. My fingers were like claws around the book that wasn't even mines to begin with. It belonged to Alex, though she let me barrow it for her 'burn and forget' method.


I didn't want her to read it even though she knew about what I'd written. However, I felt like reading it as it was expressed in my thoughts was something personal and forbidden. It was like this thing was a diary I couldn't let her get her tiny hands on.

She blinked away the shock. "Okay then...Well," She got to her feet. Her face was raw in an unfathomable exasperated expression. " It seems that you don't want me to help. I mean, you say you do, but you really don't. But, you can't hold on to your problems forever, Mel. Some day you got to get over it."

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