Ten... Cryptic Compromise

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   That strange feeling went livid around my body once more. Tossing around my nightgown and blowing through my hair, fiercely. I knew enough from last night to know what this meant and I didn't want to go. This time, I wasn't so obedient. I was wild as I tried to break away from Night's bear-like hold on my forearm and attempted to go against his command to keep my eyes closed.

  Undoubtedly, Night had read my mind the instant the thought came into play. I failed plenty as I hastily tried to free them, but my eyelids were suddenly impossibly heavy. Obviously, this was his doing.

  " Don't be an idiot, Melody." He sighed and I just knew those Atlantic eyes were rolling as he spoke. "Opening your eyes while transcending through the astral plane could cause a great amount of damage to your mind."

  One word caught my full attention, stopping all of my squirming at once." Astral?...As in space? " If my eyes were open, they would've fallen out of my bewildered eye sockets.

  Was I traveling through space right now?!

 "Some thing of that sort, I'll explain later. All you need to know is that if you open them now, your brain will fry like a pancake, and you'll forever be mentally handicapped."

  I swallowed after his words that he voiced ominously. I wondered how many times he'd seen that happen and I wondered when that 'later' time would come. Nevertheless, I yielded to his words and dared to even speak.

   Whatever it was, it took a bit longer for the wind to calm down and for the sensation that of damped pavement to met my bare feet. The warmth of the sun did not welcome me this time nor did the earthly breeze. Instead, the moisture in the air met my face and the smell of wet garbage nauseated my senses. I was shocked to hear the sound of numerous voices and footsteps that were distant, but still rather close. Immediately, I knew that this was definitely not the field dream.

   The gust of wind ceased momentarily, and I was left with a shadowy sensation on the surface of my skin.

   "You can open your eyes now." He advised and it was easier now, as I eagerly flew them open.

  The scene I saw before me was confusing. Not in the visual sense but as in thinking: why are we here?

   We stood in a shadowy vacant alleyway. Where on either side countless trash bins were lined against the rotting brick wall; Which explained the heavy garbage smell. There was another smell that I recognized, the smell of fresh rain. With a quick observation I could tell it had rained nearly moments ago, and that the alleyway belonged to a set of shabby apartment complexes.

   I was so lost in my surroundings that I hadn't notice Night release me and move in front of me.

   "Choose." He said and I blinked back to his attention. Even more confused by his words.

  "What?" I asked, perplexed.

  "Left?" He raised his hand to the left and my eyes aimlessly followed down the alleyway in that direction.

  At the end of the left side of the alley, the light was nearly blinding. Out there, the space looked completely deserted and just as shabby as the apartments. It was eery and I had the feeling that I wouldn't want to find myself walking down that street even in daylight.

  "Or Right?" His voice came after I made this observation,stating the last option as I turned my head to the right and met the sight of a more lively street, full of pedestrians.

  I silently compared the two sides for a moment and then nudged my head to the right. Feeling that it was the obvious choice.

  " Of course, I should have known." He breathed and I watched him swiftly slide out a pair of black sunglasses and adjust them onto his face.

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