Chapter 1

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Camila has been feeling a little off lately. She's been trying to get her strength back all together for the sake of putting on a good show not just for the fans but most importantly for the girls as well. After nearly passing out during one of the shows just a couple of days ago, due to exhaustion, Camila has been stuck in the hospital trying to get better.

Being bored and miserable about missing out on things outside the room she's been confined in, Camila has managed to get herself busy with letting her creativity flowing through her veins and managed to write a couple of songs in her journal.

Ever since she was just a little girl, she has always dreamed of being a huge recording artist one day but being in an international girl group wasn't one of them. She has always been the shy and awkward little girl that could not even picture herself standing in front of a handful of people to see her perform let alone a sold out stadium full of people wanting to see her sing and dance on a stage. But she grew as a young woman, she grew out of her comfort zone and started to be a lot more confident about what she does.

A little too confident, according to some of the tabloids that has been in the stands lately. There has been a lot of rumours surrounding the you woman.

Camila Cabello of Fifth Harmony quitting and leaving the group?

Fifth Harmony's Camila Cabello has been spotted hanging out with Taylor Swift and her friends.

Is a solo career now heading in Camila's way?

Camila has never addressed any of those rumours to be true but the tension between her and the rest of the group has slowly been growing from one little mishap to something a little more personal.

She's been out and minding her own business most of the time, which the girls didn't mind and never really did make a big fuss about it before, but ever since Camila's photos with other artists surfaced the Internet, the girls started questioning Camila about her position in the group.

They have all managed to talk it all out and handle things in a mature way, Camila making sure that none of the things that gets put on the Internet are true and her whole heart and soul are set to only one thing and that's to Fifth Harmony.

"Hey." A raspy voice appeared from behind the white solid door.

Camila smiled as she sees the familiar face of the older one.

"How are you feeling today?" Lauren asked as she walks in the room and closer to Camila's bed.

The younger one has been hooked into a dextrose lately to regain back the nutrients that she lost in her body just in time for her to do the rest of the tour.

"A bit better." Camila reassuringly, "actually..." She then trailed off and moved to her side to grab the journal that has been hiding underneath her pillow to show Lauren. "I've been trying to busy myself lately and wrote a few songs in my journal." She then handed the book over to Lauren who didn't hesitate to take it and started to read a few pages that had scribbled on them.

Lauren took her time reading every single word written on the page in front of her. Lauren soaking in every feeling, all the emotion that Camila has transposed in a form of a song. She knows that Camila's only way of dealing with all the things going on surrounding her is bonded on that book that Lauren is holding onto. She could feel Camila's emotions too, her struggles, everything.

"They're beautiful." Lauren spoke softly, her eyes still fixed firmly on the page in front of her.

"I suck a little but it's something." Camila giggled lightly and tucked in a stray hair behind her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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